Header install this weekend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Header install this weekend


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT V8
So im planning on installing my BBK ceramic headers this weekend any tips or tricks would be good i looked for a post with an install on a v6 but didnt see any so if anyone in the philly area wants to lend a hand or a garage lol that would be cool and i got beer! lol:D

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Soak the bolts before hand with PB blaster, it would be good if you could let it sit for a day without being run just soaking the bolts in PB blaster, all of the exhaust bolts your going to have to deal with. I did it when I had to take apart the manifolds back to the muffler to get my trans out and I couldn't believe how easy the bolts came out after 1/2 a can of pb blaster had been sprayed on them.

i bought a can of non flammable pb blast yesterday i figured id start it this weekend since i dont have work again till the 2nd after friday , not looking forward to working outside lol

Even if it's non flammable if you start it after spraying it hasn't done much to help because all the lube will still burn off. Good luck with it. And for outside if it's that cold looking getting a kerosene construction heater, I had a 150,000btu one made it so it was like a nice 80 degree day around me while it was 5 degrees 10ft away out of the blast area of the heater.


yea i just get the non flam incase there is a build up somewhere don't want it to catch fire or something while im driving down the road after im done lol

where in the philly area are you located?


right in bridesburg northeast area

just a question where is the best place to put my jack stands during the header install

on the cross frame where the jack hooks are? not on the hooks on the frame itself?

When I replaced the transmission I had them behind the front bumper and on the spring perch or whatever on the back, right in front of the rear tires...granted I have a sport so there isn't much weight behind that....
