Headers or Chip?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Headers or Chip??


New Member
November 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport

I am currently running a 02 Explorer Sport 4x4 with cat back single flowmaster exhaust (50 series) and K&N intake. I cant decide if I should get the JBA headers or a Apten chip for my next mod. I was on my way to get the chip when I found explorer express selling the headers for about half of what I had seen in the past making it a much more difficult decision.

This leads me to my next question about the JBA headers (part number 1674) if anyone has had any experience putting these on a sport as opposed to a sport track, I would love to hear from you. Insatll experience as well as the perfromance gain after. JBA advertises them for the trac and no mention of the sport.

Thanks for your help - Marty

If it were me. I would forgo a chip and go with a SCT Flasher. Customer service from Apten has gone to hell in a hand basket, stick with products from SCT.

As far as headers go, most say they are not necessary. Check with Doug at BamaChips ( http://www.bamachips.com/ ), is is widely recognized as an expert on the Ford 4.0 motors. I am sure he will offer you any help and recommendations you need.

Good luck....

I agree with what Al said above. "Apten" is just a programmer and supplier of SCT chips and flashers. There is no such thing as an "Apten chip" per se. They do the programming just like our two resident sponsors can, Bamachips (Doug) or Hypnotic Illusions (Wayne). You'll get a LOT better customer service with Doug and Wayne than you'll ever get with Apten, and they're much more "in tune" (pardon the pun) with Explorer applications these days.

I've seen the header discussion often on this board and they don't seem necessary in most applications.


Thanks for the response - I think my choice is clear. Time to go talk to Doug and see what he can do for me.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate you help.
