Heat only when Accelerating and Loud roar from fan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heat only when Accelerating and Loud roar from fan


New Member
April 19, 2005
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
2006 Explorer XLT

1. I am hearing the fan roar loudly at times when accelerating.

2. I only getting heat when revving or driving, not while idle.

Yes, I have a small leak in the radiator, but it is full of coolant. I have added coolant periodically before, but it has been a long time and I should have had to add more by now.

Water pump? Any ideas?


#2 is classic for a clogged heater core. Under load the waterpump is applying more pressure and it pushes through the clog. The bypass is being used while under Idle.

#1 Are you talking about the cooling fan on under the hood or the blower motor? Leaks in the raditor are common on these. What is the milage?

Yes, the fan under the hood. It has about 85k miles.

I am on my 2nd radiator and it does have a very small leak again, but it is not low on coolant.

The loud fan might be a bad fan clutch. Let the engine cool down all the way (like first thing in the morning) and try spinning the fan with the engine off. If there is a lot of resistance then the clutch is bad and need to be replaced.
