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Hello All


New Member
February 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
89 Ranger Supercab
I'm a new member to this site. I'm a member of RPS as well which from what I have seen are two really great sites. I have a 1989 Ford Ranger SC XLT with a 2.9 V6. I don't know how many mies since I'm the the original owner. I have added Amsoil synthetic to all moving parts, LMC dual exhaust and free flowing air intake. I have a 4.0 SOHC that I bought to replace the 2.9 but found out it won't work. So,I'm looking for a 4.0 OHV to put in instead. Anyone out there with a 4.0 OHV that they would like to trade for a 4.0 SOHC, plus CPU & complete wire harness, please let me know. The 4.0 has 85K miles on it so something rebuilt and/or with close mileage would be great.

Anyway, I love my truck and would not replace it even if I could afford something to do so.


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Welcome to Explorer Forum! Check out "For Sale" section. List your motor there and you might get lucky. Might even find the trade you want.:)
