Help me decide color for 2nd set of rare Saleen Aluminum (Speedline 1908 Magnesium Style) rims | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help me decide color for 2nd set of rare Saleen Aluminum (Speedline 1908 Magnesium Style) rims

What color of rims for Big White?

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Gold is my vote

The light gold one looks great against the White

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Gold is my vote

The light gold one looks great against the White
Can you show me which one you are speaking about?? Thanks


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I also like the darker gold colors better than the lighter of bright golds. The factory emblems are a more subtle or dark gold too.

I also like the darker gold colors better than the lighter of bright golds. The factory emblems are a more subtle or dark gold too.
Here are the factory emblems


Go with flat red primer - actually a brown color. It will hide the disk brake and shoe grunge.
I'm fortunate that I have very little brake dust with the Powerstop Extreme brake kit I installed.

Although I do love gold wheels, it's getting kinda over done. So white for the win

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my whole family agrees
Do you Donald has a issue with Gold, he has "Gold Grillz's"....his lawn mower is sprayed Gold, his socket set is Gold.......Chrome or close to it as you can get, classic never goes out a color will always go out............Donalds 4 year old Gold Lawn Mower now has a black strip down it....and Chrome
wheels....the top one looks dirty....vs the bottom Chrome or Stainless.....classic

Leave it alone looks fine......Are you OK .........Its fine classic......color.....
This is for my 2nd set of rims. Not everyone wants two pair of shoes the exact same... :D

Finally decided on a color for my second set of wheels. They went to be powder coated today!!!

This very rare (1 of 60) set of Genuine Saleen Speedline style wheels went to the powder coating company today.

Several months ago I posted up about trying to choose a color for the second set of wheels to be installed on Big White Ford Explorer. Currently Big White is running the set of Saleen Speedline magnesium wheels from Saleen (XP8) Ford Explorer 98–0022.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to buy this second set of rims and was having a hard time trying to decide what color I wanted to put on them. Thank you to everyone for their input and photoshops on the color choice.

I decided to go with the Pearl White to match the factory paint on Big White.

Stay tuned for updates on the process and final result.

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those are some nice looking rims!!! really bring out the gloss in teh tire and also the red red brakes!!! lovin this!!

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I vote desert tan CARC paint. You have to special order it. It's water repellent, IR absorbing, designed so chemical weapons can be easily washed off.
