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Help the moron PLEASE


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
St.Louis - MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport/ExpeditionPkg
Alright here's the pics:



and here's the lil bast$rd


this post is in regaurds to help i'm recieving through chat ;)

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tried t ofix those for you, but view of that page is unauthorized.. you need to link it to the part where anyone can see the pics, not on your account

ahhh sh$t sry one moment. actually your links work when i hit them

i clicked refresh several times, tried the address in anotehr window and got an you are not authorized to see this page, and tried show picture several times... none worked

alright now how they hell do I resize them??? kid when you say to take those wires and hook them to ground and red & yellow to 12vlts, do i just strip a piece of wire from those wires you listed and hook directly to batt to back of head unit?

pics work now but are like 8"x10" on my screen ;)

lol sry have no idea how to make smaller

Alright well after I tried that x-kid nothing, notta, guessing fried hu, but what in the hell is this thing in center of pic, opened black box cause it got the best of me but am still curious seeing i'm the audio super noob who likes to cut wires as I please and open black boxes hoping for some kind of present but no luck still wouldn't work :confused:


to test the deck take the red and yellow wires from the harness on the back of the day...wire them together and place directly on positive battery terminal

place negative (black) wire on negative battery terminal

turn deck on

this usually takes two two hold the wires to work the cd player. if it doesnt work, check the fiuse in the yellow wire to see if its blown...if its fine you have something wrong with your deck.

Hey Ryan - If you get really messed up, my brother used to work installing radios at best buy :eek: and lives out by you....but it sounds like Wagonized has it right. take away fuses, harnesses and everything else and apply straight power.

Yeah thats what I tried and nothing ^^^ when the headunit went out so did the damned gauges, so now I have a shower radio in there and no gauges which led to me running out of gas the other night :mad: Let my friend who use to work at a stero shop put it in and worked fine for about a month then this crap :confused: I'm still curious to what the hell is in that black box coming off of the yellow wire. Thanks for the offer sber, I may end up hitting you up on that if I can't get the cluster f$ck of wires straightened out, and I'm curious as to why the hell the gauges stopped working when the hu went kaput too, lol its not even recording my mileage anymore :confused:

Sounds like a fuse blew to your gauages. Look in the manual and see if the guage cluster and radio uses any of the same fuses? I don't think they do from what I remember but could be wrong.

With my luck nothing could be that simple, already checked both of those and nothing. When i'm assuming the head unit was going out, it would work for a while then not work the gauges would come on when it would work and go off when it didn't. Its one of those flip down hu's and any time it would start to flip down it would totally shut down and not work taking the gauges with it :confused:

the black box in the power wire is a noise filter

Alright after hooking red/yellow to postive and ground to negative, nothing, I got it off ebay a while ago so is this as good as trash or is there somewhere or someone that repairs head units or should I just circular file it, like I said it worked fine for a couple of months and now :thumbdwn: ?

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Ebay it. List it as-is, probably broken. And ship with insurance. :D
