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May 22, 2014
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1993 Mazda Navajo
I own a 93 Mazda Navajo, 4x4 (explore) and it keeps running a little rough when giving her enough gas to keep speed. The check engine light will come on when this happens then go off. I know I need a new muffler asap there is a huge hole in it. Well its not even a hole the whole bottom of the muffler is rusted out... But is that the culprit to my problems? I'm just hoping its not anything too sirious..

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I wouldn't think a rusty muffler would cause that. Loudness... sure. But not rough running at high speeds only.

+1 for reading the codes. I was having a similar problem recently on my 93' XL and went about it the hard way by throwing parts at it. Finally I broke down (after coming here) and read the codes using the paper-clip method murkinstock linked to above. It's easy to do, and the codes are all linked from that thread, too. I learned a ton about my Explorer from this process.

That immediately pointed out the actual part causing the problem and had I started with the codes I would have saved myself about $150 in parts I likely didn't need.


when i had this kind of problem, i had the check engine light come on when i was on the freeway going up little inclines then i would let off the gas and it would turn off, i cleaned my MAF because the thing was dirty, havent had the light pop on since, im not saying this is the problem but you can always take the 1 minute to double check it.

Thanks guys I'll be sure to do that paperclip trick and hopefully get her resolved. Although its not running rough at high speeds. I could be going 25 and lightly tap the gas and she kinda rumbles. That's why I was thinking muffler.

Pulled some codes 335, 332, 337 which all relate to the EGR.. Not sure if that is the whole story though...

Pulled some codes 335, 332, 337 which all relate to the EGR.. Not sure if that is the whole story though...

This is what those codes are all about. You'll be need'n one of these. (DPFE sensor)

$60 lifetime warranty.

Part # is EGR 151

And yes, this will clear up your performance issues. Don't forget to disconnect the battery to clear codes and force the computer to "re-learn".

