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Here it is! My BII!

Why are you selling it?

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A couple reasons:

One, its just asstes sitting not being utilized. Money that could be used other places that would be much more benificial.

Two, I dont have time to work on it any more. With my new job I have very little time to do anything with it.

Three, and probably one of the biggest, My cousin and i used to take turns working with each other on out toys, his ZR2 S10 and my BII, since he now works for a auto shop, he has not desire to work on our vehicles because his job is working on vehicles. It was a time to get together, drink LOTS of beer, and bond. Now we dont do it. He does not work on his either. So there really is no point in keeping it. We still hang out alot, just on different terms too, we also have significant others now so we do group things. They, the women, dont really understand the concept of working on trucks, drinking tons of beer, trying to start each others ***** on fire when not paying attention, fighting just cause we are pissed at something that is not working right on the trucks, all that stuff.

Thats my little description of why!


Oh, and because i just bought a new truck!!! Yesterday.

Rush sale

Kind of in a hurry to sell this now.

If sold before noon on saturday 3/26 i will sell the truck and all the parts that go with it for $1750

Spread the word.

Alot of work invested into this. Hope we see it around here once its sold.

1st post, been lurking around here for a few months, found a lotta info that helped w/ my explorer, strangely enough the explorer turned out too nice to offroad so i went searching CL for something that'd make a good offroad/winter/work truck, after a few weeks of searching i found this sweet rust free BII in wisconsin about 200 miles south of me, turns out dude has a link to his build thread on explorerforum, yes you guessed it this build thread right here, you might also note that he and i have the same name, quite strange yes, was it fate i dunno but long story short i bought it this weekend so this build thread will live on.

among other things, stephan threw in the 8.8 rear, D35 front, auto tranny and transfercase that he planned on installing. ill prolly get around to installing that stuff next fall/winter but for now i just wanna drive it. no short term plans other than fixing a few minor things and possibly a paint job to make her mine. to keep things relatively simple im thinkn of doing the original off-white minus blue panels, although i am open to suggestion. i have a rust free '88 front clip ive been tossing around installing prior to paint but im not sure i wanna put her out of commission that long, as mentioned im really stoked to drive it. and thats about it, we'll see where time and ambition take me with this girl but if anything you can be assured she will be taken care of.

thanks to all you guys that have made this site such a great resource. thanks also to stephan for all the time he put into this little gem.


Congratulations on buying it, glad to see you joined the site.

Glad to hear it and make sure you post any updates!

sweet :popcorn: The truck was way too cool to sit so long

Look what I found

So I've used this site here and there and recently bought a bii and it just so happened to be this one. The plans that have been previously stated that was wanted to be done to it hasn't been lol. I'm going to take a guess and say the previous owner who posted on here painted it himself (it was kind of a bad looking job), added the cap to it, and a brush guard that doesn't do much for me. But, I have quite a few plans for the truck considering I'm enjoying it so much, its being driven as my winter vehicle and Hoping to turn it into more of a cruiser and not a toy. She still has the bii trans and rear end. Hoping to get on the computer tomorrow and post what she looks like now.

So I've used this site here and there and recently bought a bii and it just so happened to be this one. The plans that have been previously stated that was wanted to be done to it hasn't been lol. I'm going to take a guess and say the previous owner who posted on here painted it himself (it was kind of a bad looking job), added the cap to it, and a brush guard that doesn't do much for me. But, I have quite a few plans for the truck considering I'm enjoying it so much, its being driven as my winter vehicle and Hoping to turn it into more of a cruiser and not a toy. She still has the bii trans and rear end. Hoping to get on the computer tomorrow and post what she looks like now.

Hey hu_u, I'd be really interested in seeing pictures. I still sometimes wonder " what if I never sold that truck". I stuck a lot of blood and sweat into this when I still owned it years ago. Crazy how where owners were all able to find and use the same forum. Lol.

Hu, where do you live? I'd be interested in seeing the bii if you are not too far away.

The bii runs from beaver dam to fond du lac as of now since that's where i'm going to school. but, when i bought it i picked it up in west allis. Not much has changed as of now besides the color, the cap, and a brush guard that someone had put on. I myself haven't had much time to do much different to it. So far just working out the mechanical gremlins that it has. First had to get a new tail pipe put on cause it was dragging on the road when i bought it, and the shop that I got that done at I didn't have enough time to pick it up the day of it being finished so I came around like 2 days later when I had time and come to find it in the middle of the parking lot. This was definitely not where it should have been left by any means, so I do a once around and find out that someone had hit it and dragged it across the lot. The mirror was all bent out of shape and pulled out of the door, the door got caved in a bit, the rear passenger fender was scraped pretty good, and the back bumper guard wasn't the greatest either. So I had a hell of a time getting that whole situation figured out, apparently a guy with a flat bed who had just gotten new tires put on had to of been the culprit cause of where he was parked, he didn't admit to it though not as if anyone would to begin with, but I know the guys down there well enough and have paid them enough for things that I have no means of fixing myself so they ended up paying for it so now I've got one nice and shiny side and everything else is pretty dull with the paint that someone just slapped on there.


How it looked when I bought it


this is how I found it after the hit and run




some closeups

I ended up putting the exhaust straight out the back, not too much of a fan of the exhaust out the side lol. I have a cold air intake coming to get rid of the air box on there, hoping it's going to fit under the hood. I want to stiffen up the suspension since the body roll is pretty substantial as it is with all of the bii's. Definitely need a 3.73 posi rear end. Lots of odds and ends to do to make the drive a bit better. Need to figure out something for the steering column too, there's way too much play in it.

Here's some quick pictures I just took


tail pipe straight out the back, I changed the rear bumper since they're pretty hard to come by so I couldn't find the original black bumper guards from the previous bumper, so now I have to try to find a front bumper to match with the bump strip across and to get rid of the brush guard without it looking a little off.


new shiny side of paint, you can tell by looking at the hatch and the side that it was painted pretty badly the first time through with this color, I do like the color though lol. Also had to put some mud flaps on because the whole side up to the big bay windows used to get caked with salt pretty badly. Also still has the same rims on, which need to be repainted.


Trip down memory lane, the cut skid plate below the gas tank for your hitch


Still has the same grille that was on it originally, has the same crack right in the bottom middle and was glued together by someone


center console that you put in, but I changed the cup holders since the original ones couldn't really be used all that much considering how close it was to the shifter. Although, they're still not very useful lol nothing bigger than a soda can will fit without getting smashed when driving.


4.0 from your 95 exp donor, recently had to replace the head gasket. Blew it on the way back from Madison taking my girlfriend out for her birthday :(


Explorer firewall that you welded in

- So I'm pretty convinced that this is your truck, it's a hell of a truck. The guy I bought it from I don't think knew anything about it at all. I don't think it's the guy you sold it to however, cause I don't think he said that he actually did anything to it besides driving for winter.

Well so far it looks like my old girl. Have any interior pictures? Rear bumper pictures? It's pretty cool seeing what has been done to it. It's strange that I sold it to someone who lived way up north and yet you bought it from west allis which is real close to where I moved.


got a rubber mat for the back from a friend of mine, also some weather stripping for the driver side door since there's a nice breeze that comes through


someone put in some cooky lookin seats lol


I'd like to see how hard it is to stick in some explorer sport seats for the rear



in dire need of new speakers, still reppin the ones from 85 pretty sure, and still none in front. Also have a kenwood deck to put in when I figure out what I messed up on the harness.


Also have a new grille that I want to put on when I find the front bumper that I want. Sitting next to it is an idea I kinda stole from a friend of mine who helps me out a lot on my vehicles, he put that same rubber mat over his carpet, cut and formed it and it looks really nice I liked it so much I wanted to do the same lol. Helps for not having some salt stained carpets when you live up here



someone ended up welding on a hitch which didn't look all that great

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