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June 10, 2003
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where did my thread go? mods...

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when you delete a thread i would recommend pm'ing the person and letting them know the reason.
I agree but I was in ze grocery store, I wasnt the one that deleted your thread.

i looked here and didnt see anything. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100616 btw the links should be fixed, because none of them from the post i posted take me to that page
It works for me:
1) After clicking on the link above, click on "Forum Rules and Instructions"
2) In the resulting page, click on "Forum Rules and Forum FAQ"
3) In the resulting page, click on the single link titled "Serious Explorations Forum Rules"
4) In the resulting page, click on "Forum Rules"

Care for a cool glass of Mango Twist?

ahh.. only made it to here http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/faq.php? and was like wtf.. so i posted the carfax question.

i pm'ed blee but then noticed he was offline so i posted this thread. tell who ever deleted the original they are a hater lol ;)

Care for a cool glass of Mango Twist?
Why, yes, I think I will! The wife and I bought six of 'em last week at the store... they were on sale for $2. :)

It basically falls down to terms and conditions. Their policy specifically states "You may not modify, publish, transmit, display, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of the Content, in whole or in part." If we were to allow carfax sharing we could be ultimately responsible. Just pay the $30-40 for 1 to 10 vin searches and be done with it.

Why, yes, I think I will! The wife and I bought six of 'em last week at the store... they were on sale for $2. :)
Wow that's a steal! They are usually just a bit over $3 here.

Mango Twist is a bit too sweet for me though - I usually hijack 6 of the Strawberry ones.
Posted via Mobile Device

i am going to go to store and buy some welch's now u guys made me thirsty when i saw those drinks

Careful Sam, they are high on sugar. We wouldn't want to see you on the 6 o'clock news running down the freeway w/ your shirt off after having too much sugar.
Posted via Mobile Device

Deleted threads, orange juice? WTF!?!?!


I think I became more retarded than I was already because of this thread.

I'll take a Tropicana Light & Healthy or whatever they are calling it now.

The subject swap has elevated this thread to nearly epic. :D

This thread is like petting a puppy, with a rake.
Posted via Mobile Device
