hockey pucks for body lift spacers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hockey pucks for body lift spacers?


Well-Known Member
July 11, 2007
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City, State
Parker CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
Hey guys one of my buddies has a Dodge 3500 and he is planning on using hockey pucks as body lift spacers he only wants the height of the hockey puck he doesnt want an actual body lift dont know what but what is the pros and cons to using them say on my 97 x?

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Nothing wrong with it other than some people may poke fun at you, "say, is that a 3 puck lift?"

Seriously, people have been using them for years, they are as hard as a rock mind you. I'd spray a bit of rock guard on it to hide the fact that it's a puck and no one will be the wiser.

they tend to break apart after awhile. Daystar has a 1 inch lift for those trucks.

Yeah they deteriorate(sp) after a while and fall apart.

what about these blocks?
i relize they are sold out but i want just 2" because i want to fit 33" tires under and i already have 2" tt and shackles and i dont want to show my frame off to much meaning i dont want to go with the 3" body lift kit 853 so what can you guys tell me about the bolts i will need and where i can get those from and also would i need a steering extension with just going 2"

Or should i just go with the pa BL 853? if i where to do this what could i do to kinda conceal the frame if possible? with out running boards or nerf bars


Just go with the real body lift, it come with all the extensions and bolts that you need. All the stuff you would have to buy and fab if you just bought the blocks.

I seriously doubt that you can get 33's on with just a 2' lift without some major cutting of the fender walls. You would have a better chance with a 3' body kit, and less cutting. The only problem with the 3" kits is the bumper brackets are garbage. You are better off making your own.

I seriously doubt that you can get 33's on with just a 2' lift without some major cutting of the fender walls. You would have a better chance with a 3' body kit, and less cutting. The only problem with the 3" kits is the bumper brackets are garbage. You are better off making your own.

Yea but i also have an 1 1/2"-2" from the TT and Shackles so that would give me like 3 1/2"-4" of lift but i think i am just going to go with the 3" kit it seems like it will be alot less work even though i have to make custom bumper bracket

I have a 3" body lift, 1.5" TT, and 1.5" from the shackles for a total of 4.5" and I still had to trim a bit to clear 33's.

Did you have to trim from the front? what did you use to trim it also?

I have a 4" suspension lift, 2" body lift and 1.5" TT, and still had to trim the rear fender wall to get enough clearance for my 33's.
It all depends on your truck. Not all trucks will be the same.
GJarrett has a 3" body lift and runs 35's, but he did a lot of cutting to make it work.
Everyone will have to cut, some more than others.
A hack saw will do the job. A Sawzall will do better. ;)

Hey guys one of my buddies has a Dodge 3500 and he is planning on using hockey pucks as body lift spacers he only wants the height of the hockey puck he doesnt want an actual body lift dont know what but what is the pros and cons to using them say on my 97 x?

Can you say, "UN-SAFE"?
