Hockey pucks, not just for hockey? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hockey pucks, not just for hockey?


Well-Known Member
April 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Chesterfield, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 mountaineer v8
So i was considering adding a little more lift to my mountaineer. I've done the torsion bars, In the process of losing those. I've decided to go with the most redneck lift. My personal favorite, the hockey puck body lift. But the stock body bushings are, to say the least, not so good. Cracked, mushy, blown out.

I cannot for the life of me find a replacement body mount set on the entire internet, Does anyone know where i can get a set for a 2nd gen 4door?

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I did see these before, But at around $60 per mount x 10 mounts = A lot of money. A friend of mine bought a complete poly set for a bronco 2 for like 2 hunderd bucks, but its a different style of body mount.

Pucks will dry-rot and give out in only a year or two. They won't last. Furthermore, most states require that the lift blocks be one piece if you're going to use them.


I was only planning to use one, not stack them or anything like that. I didn't know that they would rot out. That changes my plans a bit. Thanks that would have sucked haha.

I've seen an explorer with hockey pucks before. It worked great for more then 5 years.

hey trebor thanks a ton, thats awesome. I checked summit and didn't bother to check jegs, havn't had much luck with them in the past, guess i shouldn't have looked past jegs.

I mean i understand over time they will dry rot, like the factory body bushings. But it shouldn't be an over night thing, i mean my mounts have made it 10 years...

Play it again sports has them for 50 cents a piece :)

I ran hockey pucks for a year or two and didn't notice rot, but it makes sense that if I kept them on longer that probably would have been an issue.

What I did notice is that every time it rained, the d@m# things squeaked like hell for the next week until they totally dried out.

hey names Robert= trebor spelled backwards,lol. anyway, no problem man. i was looking around for some different parts and came across that so yeah. i also noticed they have a complete kits with everything but i think it was in the 400 dollar range
