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How can I disable Sync from saying "Call Ended?"

Sure thing, tucker_bmd; sorry for not being clearer.

The expected behavior is pretty much all of the above. Per my support, if the radio is off and you make or receive a call, the voice over will generate upon disconnecting said call. If the radio is on, you should only be receiving the pop-up. BigPapisExplorer explained in post 14 that he generally doesn't have the radio on; whereas, Sgt1411 usually has something playing on his phone or radio (or at least I assume that's the case).


Original Poster here.

Though I initially said 90% one thing / 10% other thing, I didn't understand "the pattern" at that time.

It is happening exactly as Rebecca just described.

100% of the time if I have the radio/audio off, I hear the voice prompt at the end of the call.

100% of the time if I have the radio/audio on, there is no voice prompt at the end of the call.

Rebecca, thank you for looking into it for me.

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