How Do I Paint A Bumper Guard? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Do I Paint A Bumper Guard?

Im buying a Fabtech bumper guard from a guy and it is blue, so it doesnt match my X, i was wondering how i would go about painting somthing like that...and guys, i DID use the search and came up with nothing useful so please dont start an argument in this thread i just need help with this.

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id say your best bet would be to powdercoat it. might be expensive. you could also sand it down, clean it and then spray paint it with good paint. or get it rhino lined.

There are a TON of options it depends on what you want it to look like. I would bet it is covered in powder coat now, it would have to be blasted to be re-powder coated. That would be the most durable finish. But once it chips or scratches its hard to touch up and make it look right.

You can get some pretty nice spray cans of rustoleum. Rough it up with some 400 grit and go over it with some wax/grease removed then paint it.

The benifit of this is it is easily touched up. If you take your time with the prep work it will last too. And you'll have less than $20 in it.

ok, my gramps said i should use paint thinner to remove the paint then sand and spray, would that work or is powder coating to strong for paint thinner?

also- thnx for your responses, very helpful

id prolly, sand it and spray paint it myself. Cheap and easy is the bast way to go if you ask me...

Dull black paint very easy to touch up. The bumper guard could get scratched up being that its out front. Powder which is stronger then paint, but if it does get scratched its tuff to mactch, other then re-powder coating.

couldnt you just use rhino liner? that comes in tons of colors and is really strong

I don't think paint thinner is going to work on the powder coating. Go buy some flat back spray paint, sand it and spray. like said earlier, this makes it really easy to touch up when it gets scratched. That's what I did with mine and my sliders.

ive got to warn you about the fabtec bars on front rusts Fast!!! and it is powdercoated!! it started to rust in about 3-4 months and now theres rust bubbles everywhere and its chipping off... I dont really care now because i want a real bumper... lastly I live in the midwest aka "rust belt"

anything welded will rust fast.
You have to get the rust right when it starts.

410Fortune said:
anything welded will rust fast.

Not if it is prepped and coated right in the first place. His probably got some chips in it then started rusting and caused the rest to start to chip off.

Seriously, don't worry about getting the old paint off just rough it up and spray it. The only downside to this is when it does chip it will chip deeper but you can feather that out with sand paper when it happens. Or you can spend $20 now and have it blasted, then primer and paint it.

Just make sure you paint it all so there is no where for rust to start.

yea rhino lining i think would be really durable and would have to do some serious damage so scratch it up. and its dull black -TJ
