How many college students???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many college students????

Are you a college student???

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    Votes: 136 75.1%
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    Votes: 16 8.8%
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    Votes: 25 13.8%
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    Votes: 4 2.2%

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May 15, 2002
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I just thought it would be cool to see who attends college and where.

o yeah i attend Penn State University.;)

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In August I will be starting my Freshman year at Texas A&M Galveston

I am finishing up at th University of Nebraska-Kearney. No, it's not the home of the Cornhuskers.

Yes, I will be a sophomore this fall, that is if I finish this crazy summer calc class...O yea, Im going to Western Michigan University...

Westchester Community College as a part time student
I work full time

Unfortunatly, full time college and part-full time work, double full time play :D

I'm doing gay homework right now :(

lol, screw u! :D

Still haven't started it but the books are open, The question is, how long can I delay it? :cool:

Heh yea, I have a ton of homework that is due in a little over 9 hours...Stupid Calc thinks its so cool...Anyways, I am also having trouble getting the book open...any thoughts guys?

:D:bounce:Just graduated in May from Louisiana Tech University:bounce::D

Just graduated Aug. 01

That is Master's Degree at Unversity of Phoenix. The great part was 3/4th of it was on the Internet! No I'm not going for a Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD).

You youngsters!

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:D Senior at Auburn University :D

Originally posted by Char
Just graduated Aug. 01

That is Master's Degree at Unversity of Phoenix. The great part was 3/4th of it was on the Internet! No I'm not going for a Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD).

You youngsters!

Masters in what?

In August I'll be attending Purdue in West Lafayette. It'll be my first year and I'll be studying Engineering. Good luck to all you guys who got more college years ahead of you. I know I sure do.

I will be starting my sophmore year at Texas A&M next semester. Finally going home.:bounce:

Originally posted by FlyAU
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:D Senior at Auburn University :D

HELL YEAH!! I am going into my 3rd year at Auburn. I will still be a sophomore though! That game was awesome. Florida who?

Im probably in that picture. I was sitting just to the left of the field goal. I would have rushed the field but I didnt want the "cops" to beat me like they beat that girl.

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3rd Year Longhorn at Univ. of Texas. I can't wait to get back :chug:
