How much are you worth??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much are you worth???

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I am worth $1,614,730.00

$2,489,680.00 :D, but my wife says I'm priceless.... :confused: :confused:


I think i did it wrong.

I am worth $1,058,034.00

im priceless, but it says im worth 1,880,840.00

And exactly why do they need to have a valid e-mail address to compute your stats? To send lots of crap to your bulk folder thats why...


wonder what level of 1+1=3 they used to figure it out...

if you look at the most valuable people... if I made a million+ bucks, I wouldn't be filling out some form on the web wondering how valuable I was... I would already know my net worth....


some of the websites people come up with!!! Speechless

I got to the email part and bailed. I don't need any spam. :thumbdwn:

DeRocha said:
And exactly why do they need to have a valid e-mail address to compute your stats? To send lots of crap to your bulk folder thats why...

That's funny I never get any.... :confused:

O'yeah! That's because I use :D

$1,996,870.00 Hmmm...They must not know about my Credit Cards! :p

sweet! I think I'll sell myself on eBay :p

It makes me feel really good to know I am worth more than JamesT! :D

HA! It's a proven fact that men are worth more than women!

Not that I think so necissarily (please don't kill me ladies) :p



  • For Sale.JPG
    For Sale.JPG
    16.7 KB · Views: 218

You are worth exactly $3,153,990.00

Thought I was worth more :rolleyes:

I think im pretty valuable!


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Well I am fairly appy with my results, being 18 years old.

