How Reliable are the 4R44E, 4R55E or the 5R44E, 5R55e? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Reliable are the 4R44E, 4R55E or the 5R44E, 5R55e?

Kirby N.

Elite Explorer
February 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ranger
So I am looking into a 1995 to 1997 Ranger. I understand that they do not have the a4ld anymore, which is a big plus. But my question is:

1. How reliable/ resilient are the 4R s and the 5R s?

I really don't want another a4ld near me. After 2 of them in my sploder I put in a manual. Now my 1993 ranger's a4ld is giving me problems.

2. How do you know which one is in the truck? Say I am looking at a ranger, how do I know which one it is?

I want something that is going to be trouble free. I would rather have a auto, but if it is going to compromise reliability, I will go with another manual.

Also, it will see some light towing and some moderate to heavy 4xing.



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Thanks for the reply. I am pretty sure the Ranger did not come with a v8 or a 4R70W??

if you get a ranger don't tow in OD, get a remote fluid filter, and an external cooler. If it has been maintained it's a good truck. If it is not maintained there are 10,000 posts on here describing what you can look forward to.

So the 4R s and the 5R s are just newer versions of the A4ld plagued with the same durability problems?

I may just have to stick with the stick if you know what I mean.

Thanks for the responses.

I've been hauling fairly heavy loads, towing vehicles on a tow bar & a tow 99 Ranger hasn't whimpered yet. All things in moderation is the key. I stop around every 100 miles and check the fluid; if it's starting to foam, then I need a break as well as the truck. Generally, if you can't stand to touch the dipstick, then it's too hot. Let her cool down.

You have to remind yourself: "I'm not driving a race truck nor a tow truck."

J...182K and still rolling.

LOL. That is pretty sad, honestly. Having to nurse an under engineered tranny so you don't kill it. For me, that would be like having a supercar and driving it like a girl because you want to get better mileage- in other words it would never happen. It is funny ford missed the mark so substantally with the A4LD then stuck a bandaid on it and renamed it. Honestly, I would buy a comanche with a 4.0 in a heart beat if they had an extended cab. The aisin trannys in those things hold up to pretty much anything you want to throw at them. I want something I can depend on when I need it.

Thanks for the info. I am a bit dissapointed, but it is good to learn this before I have another time-bomb in my garage.

I am disheartened at all of the issues surrounding this transmission too, but I think a lot of people on here will attest to a few mods (cooler/remote filter) to make a questionable transmission into a reliable transmission. There are more success stories than horror stories, but like the news, good news doesn't make the headlines...

Also no one ever maintains transmissions- I worked at Valvoline in highschool and it was the same story

Me: "Your due for a trans service"
Customer: "Nah, it's a lease"
Customer: "Nope don't have the time"
Customer: "nah -- too much money"
Customer: "I'll be trading it in, I don't care"

Thanks for the responses fellas. If I must have an auto it will definately get a cooler and a remote filter. More research on that soon.

I do have another question though. I have expanded my search to 2001-2003 Explorer Sports and 2001-2005 Sport Tracs.

What Auto transmission do these come with? It seems like there are some with the 4.0 OHV engine and the 4.0 SOHC engine. Do any come with a manual?

Thanks transmission experts!
