How To: Install a mechanical in wall timer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To: Install a mechanical in wall timer.

With the rising cost of electricity, it's a good idea to keep lights off when they are not in use. Some places such as attics, closets, basements, hallways, etc could run all day because somebody forgot to turn them off. Installing a simple timer will ensure that the lights can't run more than a certain period of time. The timer that is used here has a 60 minute limit:

It's a basic two wire series device which is also known as a single pole, single throw or SPST. An internal spring sets the desired tension to make the knob return to the off (center) position.

Before we get started, always remember to turn off the power. Have all of your supplies ready so that you don't have to waste time looking for things with the power off (especially if you have to work with a flashlight).

Remove the old switch:

This switch or more like ancient than just old. They don't make them like this anymore. The wiring is just as old, so electrical tape is applied to the entire wire inside of the box. Since this small box is also used as a junction box, there is not enough room to install a bulky timer. An extension box must be used:

The timer has small set screws as you could see in both of these photos:

The two power wires go into these channels, then they are locked with those two screws. Here's the timer while it's in place:

The extension box was removed from another part of the house, so it's also pretty old, but in good condition. Here's the timer with the mounting cover plate, face plate, and the knob:

The knob has a small nut behind it which is mounted onto the shaft to hold the face plate down. Here's a link with more information on the timer:
