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How to put MFT - MyFord Touch into diagnostics mode

Here are some diagnostic screen shots......sorry for the blurriness



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Thanks for the screenshots Sgt1411 :)

Since your friend sounds like he's a tech for Ford ;) Any way your friend can get you a copy of the full ROM for 2.11? (the install image that gets downloaded to the USB stick from the Ford laptop when they are doing the update)

OH my my .... w1kedz .... I want a copy of whatever you "re-develop" if you get this ;)

w1kedz you could be the next Cydia........SYNC MFT Cydia that is ....LOL

I do have question for you programmers......If I use Cydia to jailbreak my iPhone4 will it allow me to get into the bluetooth stack and activate MAP protocol?

Or are they two completely different things?

So I found that this also works on Non-Sony radios:

-set to AM/FM
-press and hold Eject
-press and hold Seek+ at the same time

After about 5 seconds, the diag screens showed up.

I wounder do the tech folks see the threads at all, or are they hiding? Hopefully they are coming up wih a solution!

What do they care they really don't seem to be interested. I am seriously thinking about lemon law-ing my $46k ex. I loved my others but I am frustrated by the MFT.

It has been locking up on me far more often in the past 2 weeks then ever before. I needed the GPS on Sat. and I could not use it because the screen was locked. I turned off the ignition and opened the door to do a power down several times. Beyond annoying.


Perhaps others have taken notice of their inability to fix these issues.

Since your friend sounds like he's a tech for Ford ;) Any way your friend can get you a copy of the full ROM for 2.11? (the install image that gets downloaded to the USB stick from the Ford laptop when they are doing the update)

ford does not install from a usb stick, its a straight pass through off ford server to mft.

Since your friend sounds like he's a tech for Ford ;) Any way your friend can get you a copy of the full ROM for 2.11? (the install image that gets downloaded to the USB stick from the Ford laptop when they are doing the update)

ford does not install from a usb stick, its a straight pass through off ford server to mft.

you probably have better luck with jtags.

ford does not install from a usb stick, its a straight pass through off ford server to mft.

I think you're incorrect. My understanding (and I've seen it done) is that tech downloads from the Ford servers to a USB stick via a laptop connected to OASIS for the actual installation. The pass through connection to the car from the server is for installation confirmation.

OK looking around in this, and touched the screen calibration and it asked for a "stylus" and now I don't know how to exit this mode. Any help? Thanx

Never mind, left the Ex sit for 30 minutes and all is well. But what kind of "stylus" would I need to confirm the Touch Screen?

Thanx, all.

Just started reading this thread. Anybody have the aftermarket sharkfin & do you get more or less satellites?

:(Now the latest, the IVT MFT screen is dead.

I think this is a piece of junk that I overpaid for. I have no radio, no backup camera, etc. Sometimes no AC.
This is the third or fourth time to go back to the dealer. Hope the lemon law covers this. I am extremely disappointed. I had a new module right after I bought it in April. The MFT had been rebooting a lot and went dead the other day. I may have to leave Ford and go somewhere else. It's a shame since I have been driving EX since 98 and am on the 5th one now.:(

More diagnostic mode shots of the new version MFT




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If I had only scrolled back up

So used to be on ms auto 4, and the fact that the flash lite version didn't change further makes me believe they moved over to silverlight

Thanks a ton for these screens
