Hydraulic Clutch Line Replacement/Slave Cylinder Fitting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hydraulic Clutch Line Replacement/Slave Cylinder Fitting


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2018
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1995 Sport
Hi all,
Recently watched an ad for Earl's Performance clutch line replacement and am in need of replacing the slave cylinder quick attach coupling as it no longer will stay in place due to broken clip and possible worn connector. My connector is the clip type vs the barb type that was original to the vehicle. I figure I will try to replace the line and connector instead of having to drop transmission and replace the slave cylinder which appeas to be functioning...at least it was until the fitting popped out.

Has anyone seen or used the Earl's line kit and AN connectors? Can't seem to find part number and have email into the manufacturer. Or are there any other solutions that worked out for people? The replacement clip is very hard to find, but I would be willing to try that first to get back on the road. Ultimately replacing the plastic line from the master clutch to the slave cylinder would be the goal.

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Can you just replace the missing or broken clip? Maybe even make one?

It’s been a while since I had that style of clutch line but isn’t it just a metal clip that snaps in place to hold the line in? Could find some good stiff metal and re create one

Check this out

Zip tie may work?

Can you just replace the missing or broken clip? Maybe even make one?

It’s been a while since I had that style of clutch line but isn’t it just a metal clip that snaps in place to hold the line in? Could find some good stiff metal and re create one

Check this out

Zip tie may work?
...that is the type in link. Can't seem to find flat clip, most are round wire type. Yes, just ametal clip, but tolerance needs to be there or it will not hold with pressure. May try zip tie

I have used zip tie in the past on one of these
Let us know how it comes out

Will do. I hope to get to it this weekend. Also, will let all know if I get anyting back from Earl's. I dropped the transmission a while back to change the slave cylinder, so that is also a possibility, but starting with the simple fix makes sense. Bleeding the system is the hardest part.
I have used zip tie in the past on one of these
Let us know how it comes out

Your master and line should already be bled
Bleeding the slave should only take a 3-5 times
According to rock auto thay earls line kit is not available anymore (or at least not right now)

I hate the internal slave cylinder! With that said removing the t case and 5 speed only takes a couple of hours around here
I will only install luk parts on these systems

Not adverse to doing the slave cylinder swap, but with maintaining 2 explorers, 2 Mustangs a Jag and a Buick...my time card is full. I do enjoy it all when time permits tho.

I've used a few LUK components in the past and no problems. I think Valeo was stock on a lot of the Fords. The slave in there now is probably a Duralast rebranded from unknown manufacturer. Many years of trouble free shifting, the problem just appeard to be a 2 cent clip that rusted/broke. Not sure what these are not readily availbable.

Because that design is old!
Maybe check the “help” section at the parts stores?

I maintain a fleet of vehicles and then some… believe me when I say I know how that goes!!

Because that design is old!
Maybe check the “help” section at the parts stores?

I maintain a fleet of vehicles and then some… believe me when I say I know how that goes!!
Checked in with Dorman, they do not make one of these.

Hi all,
Recently watched an ad for Earl's Performance clutch line replacement and am in need of replacing the slave cylinder quick attach coupling as it no longer will stay in place due to broken clip and possible worn connector. My connector is the clip type vs the barb type that was original to the vehicle. I figure I will try to replace the line and connector instead of having to drop transmission and replace the slave cylinder which appeas to be functioning...at least it was until the fitting popped out.
Has anyone seen or used the Earl's line kit and AN connectors? Can't seem to find part number and have email into the manufacturer. Or are there any other solutions that worked out for people? The replacement clip is very hard to find, but I would be willing to try that first to get back on the road. Ultimately replacing the plastic line from the master clutch to the slave cylinder would be the goal.
It’s been a while since I had that style of clutch line but isn’t it just a metal clip that snaps in place to hold the line in? Could find some good stiff metal and re create one

I suppose. Sources tell me a zip tie should work. I may be able to try tomorrow.

Looks like slave cyl is a Duralast. Checked AZ for any Dorman or Help part, but no go. I think dkave cyl has lifetime warranty, so replacing altogether is an option, but lots of work. I have done before.

it is amazing to me how much trouble one little clip can cause so I spent some time trying to use a zip tie trying to reproduce the clip and even try to weld the original clip. none of this worked so I think I am going to bite the bullet and replace slave cylinder. literally spent hours trying to get this going. checked everywhere online that I knew and even auto parts stores no one seems to carry this replacement clip AutoZone guy told me my slave cylinder was warrantied for life so I can get a new free one but the clips are not sold separately.

So buy the new one and take the clip. Then keep the new one in the box for when it actually goes out

So buy the new one and take the clip. Then keep the new one in the box for when it actually goes out
Old one has to be swapped for the new as part of warranty.

Right I get that
But you need this fixed and you don’t want to drop the trans, so the only other option to get a clip is buy a new one and steal the clip

hate the clip design I hate it when parts are proprietary they should all fit like oem

I would use a zip tie or try to replicate the clip
Just drop the trans and replace the whole she bang to get the warranty

Right I get that
But you need this fixed and you don’t want to drop the trans, so the only other option to get a clip is buy a new one and steal the clip

hate the clip design I hate it when parts are proprietary they should all fit like oem

I would use a zip tie or try to replicate the clip
Just drop the trans and replace the whole she bang to get the warranty
Actually, there is a problem with the clip missing from the new part as many people have done exactly what you said. You think it would be way easier just to supply the repacement clip. I have tried a zip tie and reproducing clip to no avail. Just not enough to hold the fitting in place with pressure. So, I may just replace slave cylinder. I have done this in the past, just hate the bleeding process for the master cylinder.

The master should remain bled no need to bleed it again

I get what you are saying, I hate those clips and the internal hydraulic slave and bearing has been a source of many headaches over the years. This is why I only use luk parts in these.. one and done I do 3-5 of these clutches a year so for me it’s like a 4-5 hour job to drop t case and trans re work clutch and stuff it all back together. My first one took 3 days about 25 years ago hahahaha

The master should remain bled no need to bleed it again

I get what you are saying, I hate those clips and the internal hydraulic slave and bearing has been a source of many headaches over the years. This is why I only use luk parts in these.. one and done I do 3-5 of these clutches a year so for me it’s like a 4-5 hour job to drop t case and trans re work clutch and stuff it all back together. My first one took 3 days about 25 years ago hahahaha
Ya, it does add experience points.... I can pretty much do a hub swap on my 08 Explorer in my sleep. Done way too many of those (235K+ miles)

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I used that AN style fitting when I swapped a T5 transmission in my Aerostar van. It allowed me to make a clutch line that would have been impossible to get without it.
