I highly recommend Valvoline Max Life!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I highly recommend Valvoline Max Life!!


Well-Known Member
April 5, 2001
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95 EB 4x4
Buddy of mine decided to change his oil. After trying out different brands, he felt that the Mobil 1 was causing his 204,000kms Honda to be noisy and burn oil (blackened exhaust tip). We decided to try out the new Valvoline Max Life on his car. All i can say is,"WHAT A DIFFERENCE!".
His car immediately became helluva quiet and WAY smoother. We're talking about a shift from Mobil 1 Synthetic 5W30 to Valvoline Max Life 5W30 dyno oil!!
If any of you are looking for an oil that makes a difference, try an oil change with it and i think you'll be just as amazed as me.

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Is this the stuff that's formulated for high-mileage engines? My mechanic recommended that I try it at my next oil change because I am getting some dripping from the rear main seal. He said it is supposed to help recondition old seals.



his honda burned synthetic oil? i thought only regular oil was burned in engines? my daytona used to burn regular oil, but when i switched to synthetic, it stopped.

Where can you get this stuff???

i know wal-mart has it.
i'm sure a lot of places have it.
it's in a red container.

yes, dino oil stops leaking seals.... but not b/c it is better than syntheitc...... dyno is thicker and is probably just not allowing the honda to make as much noise....

I started using this stuff about 2 oil changes ago and noticed a big difference in MPG. I used to be able to only go about 200 miles to 3/4 of a tank. Now I can get up to 300 to 3/4 of a tank, honestly. I think it is great, and it really seems like I don't go to the gas station as much as I used to.
