I need torque specs for a 1996 Explorer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I need torque specs for a 1996 Explorer.


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August 12, 2009
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1996 Explorer
Hi, Glad to be here. Great site..
I am trying to find the specifications for the torque on the front wheel bearing of my 1996 Explorer, can anyone help?
Thanks :confused::confused::help::

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Welcome to the forum. The wheel hub nut torque for the front wheel bearings on a '96 Explorer is 157 to 213 ft-lbs.

Thanks !! What about the hub retaining nuts?

Thanks JDraper, would it be a different torque spec for the hub retaining nuts? Help,, I am asking these questions for my hubby, he has to fix my Explorer when he gets home, we usually have a repair manual for each vehicle, but we didn't get it for the Ex yet..Thanks again


is it 2wd or 4wd?

huge difference :)

157-213 would be for a 4wd

edit: errr... re-read that... you need the torque spec for the knuckle-to-hub assembly bolts?

Thanks Gavin, it is both 2 and 4 wheel drive

gavin, it is both 2 and 4 wheel drive. Thanks

hub retaining bolts torqued to 70-80 lb-ft

Thanks again. Gavin He's got it now...

Gavin, my hubby says thanks a lot, he really appreciated the help..Have a nice evening...
