Ideas on a custom Grill? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ideas on a custom Grill?


Elite Cabin-Fever Captain
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Centralia, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 , 93 & 01 Sports
I have been thinking about some ideas for a custom grill and before I went and did something stupid I thought I would get your feedback on it.

After seeing I believe it was Lstoudmire's custom cut Limited grill off a 1st gen I got to thinking. I now havwe the two main ingrediants for mine.

What I've got is a Limited grill off a 94 and a Script style Emblem that jst says Sport. What I was thining about doing is cutting out the small dividers in the grill since one is broken, just leaving the two horizontal ones remaining. Then I was wanting to get some smoked plexi have it drilled so that I can get airflow to the radiator. Maybe 3/16" or 1/8" holes at 1/2" centers. mount the plexi above and below the horizontal slats. Then to darken the plexi a bit fade in from the sides a small amount of black from the backside. It would be topped off by mounting the chrome Script "Sport" Emblem on the upper plexi.

Thoughts or ideas on how to combine the Sport Emblem with cutting the vertical risers on the grill? I had toyed with cutting the risors and insetting the emblem, just couldn't fiure out how I could accomplish it.

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Here's a rough pic of my idea.. Also here's what I bought for 18.25 light surrounds as well.

Idea!! After seeing the pic posted since I have to paint it midnight blue to match ny Ex I can paint the plexi blue to match. I could always start with the smoked plexi, backspray the fade in black and then if I don't like I could paint the front to match the rest of the grill. I think the chrome Sport emblem in the script will stand out. I only wish I had paintshop I could really get this looking like what I want. I may try to do something in AutoCAD if I get a chance.


  • grill2.jpg
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Do I have this in the wrong category or something??

Come on what do you think???


I don't know if you would be able to drill enough holes in the plexi to get the airflow needed to keep the engine cool.

Well then what do you think about the wire mesh for grills. I saw some on Ebay that was steel with diamond shaped holes. I could paint it black and have the chrome Sport Emblem attached to it.


That's what I did with mine. Wire mesh.
