Improving the headlights: Brite Box Installation | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improving the headlights: Brite Box Installation

Anything, more or less anything ( except HIDs ) to improve the headlights on my ’99 …..

I have evaluated several different headlight bulbs ( and finally settled on Silver Stars as the best ), installed a heavy duty wiring harness ( ) and installed Diamond Clear headlight housings, all of which definitely helped, but as customary, I wanted more.

By chance while reading a post ( post #2 ), I came across a apparatus that enhances the headlights. The device called Bright Bo, is manufactured by Baker Auto Accessories ( ).

This gadget allows the low beam lights to be illuminated at the same time as the high beams thus utilizing 100% of the trucks light capability.

I ordered the Brite Box directly from the manufacturer. Since my ’99 Explorer uses 9007 headlights, I required model number 7; other light configurations require different models.

Upon examining the Brite Box, which measures 3 ¾’ x 2’, it soon became apparent that this is an extremely well built device using high quality wiring fixtures.

The first step in the installation was to disconnect the battery’s negative terminal. Then remove the 20 amp fuse from the fuse holder that is attached to the Brite Box. This was followed by unplugging the connector to the driver’s side headlight ( in view of the fact that it’s closest to the battery ) and plugging it into the receptacle on the bright box. At this time the plug from the Brite Box was inserted into the headlight. The fused lead from the bright box was then connected to the battery’s positive terminal.

To draw the installation to a close, the Brite Box was mounted with the wires exiting from the bottom by attaching to the inner fender behind the battery with double sided tape ( after thoroughly cleaning the surface with acetone and then the wiring secured with wire ties. That’s all there is to the installation.

To test the function of the Brite Box, I faced my truck against my garage door and turned on the lights set for high beams. The provided 15 amp ATC fuse was inserted into the holder and the “new” light pattern observed.

This undemanding installation took less than 15 minutes; the total cost of the device was $99.00 shipped to my door via UPS.

The “new” light pattern combined with the “fog lights on with high beams” mod ( ), is vastly superior to the conventional pattern.

I recommend this mod to anyone whose headlights use a single bulb.


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Its over a year now and there have been no problems whatsoever.

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like Jefe said you can do this with a simple wire jumper :) when in HI the lows are on....simple pimple

So, when are we going to see this "Jumper Mod" ???


Improving headlights

Just go to a parts store and buy 'aircraft spotlights' as a add-on lighting system if you need 2 C better.......why tryto burn up the wiring or what have you........:confused: ...geez, some people.....:rolleyes: .if it aint broke, dont fix it!.......

:exporange :exp: :yelexp:

Its over a year now and there have been no problems whatsoever.


I would've figured for sure that you would've burnt up a bulb by now.

I've thought a couple of times about doing this with my Explorer. I've just always figured that a dual filament bulb would see a significantly reduced lifespan when running both highs/lows at the same time.

I guess not? :scratch: :monkey:

This would be a great mod for Mountaineer headlights. The lenses are much better in lightoutput than the Explorer version.

Removed the Brite Box for the installation of my new HID lights ( Installed HID lights in the diamond clear housings ).

Nothing in life is as simple as someone else makes it sound.

like Jefe said you can do this with a simple wire jumper :) when in HI the lows are on....simple pimple

Yes and when the low beams are on so are the HIGH Beams. There must be a way of separateing them.
