INH's 4.0 rebuild thread | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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INH's 4.0 rebuild thread

Yes get it balanced, its probably the best thing you can do in the long run.

75/hr for 5 hrs of work to port and polish is not that expensive, IMO. Actually thats closely the same price i bought my ported heads and intake for! But you went with the Alabama heads too, so 400+375 = yeah. Money well spent though! The 410 cam will compliement the port work, keep in mind the 410 cam and the 422 cam are not far off from each other.

Before i bought my heads, i was looking to have my current ones ported... I was quoted 125/hr for 8 hours!

the head work is where your money is best well spent for performance. But is it nessesary? no

If worse comes to worse, the lower intake could use the port work the most.

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im thinkin about having them balance the rotating assembly and than having them do the head work. probably not a full port and polish but whatever else it is they do that they seem to think will help with low end torque. I'll probably gasket match them myself, or maybe jsut the lower intake and have them do the heads.

Yeah, a full port/polish like mine will probably hurt low end more then help it... my prediciment is LOW gears... i can afford to loose some low end.

May it be a full porting job, or a small polishing job, headwork is where your money is best well spent. You got the best castings in the industry for our motors, might as well take advantange of them!

The lower intake is the more restrictive part of our motors, followed by the heads. The upper intake and the exhaust is last. Most people dont even address the upper intake. I too think im going to alteast gasket-match the upper and the fuel rail. Ill probably just match the fuel rail to the lower, and leave the upper alone. Most likley ill just Polish it out if can, and get the sharp edges out.

decided to go wiht a new IAC cuz mine is shot and a nice big fat TB

Got a CEL for the first time since replaceing the headgasket about a month ago. Misfire on cylinder 4, same one as before when it was burning coolant. DId a compression test, that cylinder is at 80 psi, the number.... 1 or maybe 3 cylinder was at 160 :(

so now i HAVE to rebuild, and soon. gonna be fun.

When you rebuild it make sure you get those heads checked out if you reuse them..

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It's getting new heads, ported and polished. TOmorrow im going to test to see if my low compression is due to a bad head or worn rings (prolly worn rings from burning coolant.)
This poor rebuild keeps gettting pushed back. My balljoint install got a lot worse when i found out i have to replace the lower control arms :( Soo much money, i cant even think about the rebuild. It will probably get a $625 used engine in it for the time being, and so i can drive back home (california) in july. THat will let me slowly rebuild it and still be able to drive.

i shoulda done something like that, haha im going on almost 3 months now and no truck.

its coo though, sister just got a new civic, im make her drive me around. And with gas up $2.75, im not missin much haha. By the time i get this motor done, gas will be back down around $2.09 heheh

Did you ever figure out if your low compression on cylinder 4 was due to the heads or rings?
