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How to: Install Coil-Overs and ditch T-bars

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I'm just curious. My dad's f-150 has coil overs and I could run over anything and hardly notice it. How much smoother does it ride on pavement now? I have a tendency to hit every pothole thanks to the coal trucks around here which is why I ask.

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I'm just curious. My dad's f-150 has coil overs and I could run over anything and hardly notice it. How much smoother does it ride on pavement now? I have a tendency to hit every pothole thanks to the coal trucks around here which is why I ask.

It rides extremely smoother than when I had my Torsion bars twisted 1.5"

Thanks for pointing out the fab info. I must have looked at that photo 100 times and never noticed. Just too excited about the brakets I guess.

Coil Clearance (Frame)

As you can see they are pretty tight. But whats nice is they are actually lined up neatly inside of the shock pocket that is molded into the frame work.

Sorry this took so long. Work has been nuts.


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i have plenty of clearance from the frame on mine but uca's are very tight, I dont think i can get any more lift from these compared to the torsion bars but gosh they ride like a dream and look great! im maybe planning on a spindle lift but seems like too much work, but i dont know yet im just enjoying them right now lol. any other questions or pics just ask and i have pics up on the lifted sport trac thread

*edit: its show off your sport trac thread, not lifted sport trac thread

There's a guy on Ranger-Forums that is making bracket sets.


Jump to the next-to-last page to see pictures and pricing.

(Yes, I have ordered a set. They have not been delivered yet.)

There's a guy on Ranger-Forums that is making bracket sets.


Jump to the next-to-last page to see pictures and pricing.

(Yes, I have ordered a set. They have not been delivered yet.)

so I'm not a member over there, but have apparently looked at enough pages I can't look at anymore without joining.

how much is asking?

How is the ride with coilovers? Is is still choppy?

The ride was never choppy. They are awesome! To say the very least.

:D ha! the ride was never choppy.. i needed a good laugh today..

i have the almost the same setup on the front of mine with 35's, i call it the riding on a cloud mod,, so smooth,,

the faster i go the better it gets too,

Chance this conversion could be made for stock height, with perhaps Bilstein shocks?

Chance this conversion could be made for stock height, with perhaps Bilstein shocks?
The only difference in this would be the length of shocks and springs you get. The brackets don't actually have anything to do with the lift.

The only difference in this would be the length of shocks and springs you get. The brackets don't actually have anything to do with the lift.
I'm sure you mean lift height.

Intriguing, to say the least. What about in the back?

I'm sure you mean lift height.

Intriguing, to say the least. What about in the back?
Yeah, you got what I meant. You asked about a kit that does stock height, and I simply pointed out that the brackets don't have anything to do with it being lifted or stock, just the size of the shocks & springs.

And when you say "what about the back?", are you looking for a way to lose the leaf springs and go with coilovers? That's not easy to do in these trucks, especially at stock height. The options for changing out the rear suspension type are never going to come in a kit. They're going to require major fab work.

I did not ask for a kit. If anything all I asked was whether or not it would be feasible with stock height and Bilstein shocks.

As for the back, thanks for answering my question.

How about this kind of setup? (bamboozled from a Jeep Grand Cherokee 3D design)


That's an interesting thought, but I think you're still going to run into problems with the trailing arms at the least, and the springs look like they would line up with the frame, so if you're not lifting, you'd need a coil pocket like the 02+ Expos have. Not impossible, but a hell of a lot of work.

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Doable but why?
