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interior modifications


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December 13, 2000
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My name is Carl Schaaf. I am interested in modifing my 92 Sport. I'm new to this and so far this site has been helpful in explaining some things. For one it looks like it will take a while to achieve the ultimate goal,(lack of funds issue) but I'm optomistic that I can begin the planning and SAVING process due to the information I have found so far. Thank you. With that said, I am also looking for information about interior modifications. In particular I'm interested in fabricating something to accomidate sleeping for when I take long road trips. I've got the 2 door model and I am just over 6 ft so space is limited. Any ideas? Thanks agian and I look forward to learning more and hopefully hooking up with some of you to do some wheelin. Carl.

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Well Carl, let me start off by welcoming you to the board and the best site on the web! The best person to give you advice on modifying your interior to make for sleeping would be Matt Adams. He fabricated a platform in the back of his truck and there is a thread somewhere around here on it. From my understanding Matt is about 6'9", but he has the four door model. I think you should be able to work something out in a Sport. I am just about 6' and I fit in the back of my four door when I have slept in my truck. Here are a couple of threads that may help you out:

Dead Link Removed

Hope this helps! Let us know what you end up doing and welcome to the site!

[Edited by NoBoundaries on 12-14-2000 at 06:03 PM]

Carl, Welcome to the board. I have a 91 2dr and was able to fit a full size cott in it. Although I don't have any pictures of it I will try to discribe it the best I can.
The cott is the typical folding cot with the 3 sets of sizzer legs that let the whole thing fold down to a small tube. The cott itself is about 6.5' long. I was able to fit it in my Explorer fully functional and able to use. The first thing I had to do was to put the rear seats down and push the front seats up to the dash and sercure them. How ever you have it oriented you would have two sets of legs touching carpet. One set in the back right next to the rear gate and the middle set on the folded part of the seats. Then the third set is floating in the air where the rear passenger leg room is. Here is the cool part. I took 2 ratcheting nylon tie-downs (like you'd use on a pick-up truck bed) and used those to hold up the floating end. With the explosed metal corners of the cot you can attach one of the hooks and then use the other tie-down for the other side and they would connect in the middle on top of your Explorer. Of course these are flat nylon (seat belt things) so you can close the door on them. The only thing is you will have about a 1' to a 1.5' of head room from your ceiling. It reminds me of seeing a submarine show on TLC. But the best part is that you have lots of room underneath the cott for the rest of your junk. Which in a 2dr will seem like a lot. Maybe you can use that, have fun.

I just wanted to throw this in. I think Matt said he was 6'9", but i might be wrong. My thought would be to buy one of them self inflating air mattersses, because i think they come with a car attachment. That might work.

There is also Dead Link Removed ., if you are comfortable sleeping on top of your truck.

Thanks for that link, Gimp. I'm seriously thinking about getting that tailgate tent. Does anyone have any experience with them? I guess you'd have to disable the dome light, but that's not a big deal. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......They're inexpensive, too.

I would fold down the back seats and use a sleeping bag and just fold myself.

This thread is 24 years old! The owner, Carl, is now 5’-10” thanks to gravity and the old 92 explorer has been crushed I am sure…by now! Let’s see how this plays out

Sports are awesome for camping and wheeling even 24 years later

I always wonder if those people who posted years ago are still driving around in those old vehicles. Resurrecting dead forums is always entertaining.

We still have our 99 Sport. It is not a DD anymore, but I am reluctant to sell it. We bought it in July 2015 & it served us well as a DD for my wife for 6 years. Now we keep it as a spare vehicle.


That explorer is beautiful. The red looks really nice.
