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Internet explorer error ?


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
St.Louis - MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport/ExpeditionPkg
Quick question for you guys, does anyone know what would cause two different computers to keep coming up with the internet explorere error messages, where a menu pops up and you have the option to send the error report in or not and it shuts down the internet window you have open? It does it when trying to access this forum & ebay and sometimes email, etc. I thought it might be my home cpu with the problem but I then hooked up our cable modem box to my laptop and and was getting the same problem with the same issues. It also sometimes would say bad url in front of the addresses when trying to get into the sites in the corner. I'm at a loss here, it also dosen't help I'm not the brightest in this area. Could it be my cable router or anything with that which could be causing the problem? Thanx for any help guys.
