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Is ignition key "chipped"?


March 13, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Tucson, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT

I just purchased a used 2006 Explorer - got an amazing price (I think) thanks to the current financial crisis! I expect to have a bunch of questions as I learn about the car, but a couple of questions need an immediate answer. Note that I did search before asking my questions, but could not find an answer specific to my question.

I only received one key and one remote control for the car, and definitely think it is smart to have a spares. Does the ignition key have a special built-in security chip or is the key one of the "plain Jane" variety that I can have copied at any lock smith? If there is a chip, does this mean that I have to buy my 2nd key at the dealer or is there another source?

As for the remote control, according to the manual this doesn't look like a problem and I believe I should find one on eBay!

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OK, does this mean that I have to buy my 2nd key at the dealer or is there another source? While I'm thinking about it, does anyone have any idea what the dealer charges for the key?

FWIW, I used to have a BMW with one key . . . the BMW dealer wanted $250 for a spare "chipped" key. :eek: I decided to live with just the single key! :D

You can pick up a key off ebay (make sure it looks the same), have it cut at you local hardware store and program it yourself if you have two existing keys. Max of $20. Procedure should be in the manual to program the key. I would suggest that everyone have at least 3 keys. Once you only have one, you'll be visiting the dealer.

You can pick up a key off ebay (make sure it looks the same), have it cut at you local hardware store and program it yourself if you have two existing keys. Max of $20. Procedure should be in the manual to program the key. I would suggest that everyone have at least 3 keys. Once you only have one, you'll be visiting the dealer.

I checked eBay where I found 2006 Explorer keys at reasonable prices. Then I checked the manual where it clearly stated what you said in your last sentence . . . if you have only one key (I only have one), you must have the dealer prepare the new key for you. But in reading the procedure in the manual, it appears that I might be able to "fool" the ignition into thinking I have two keys!?

Has anyone managed to program an aftermarket key when they had only one working key in their possession?

I do apologize, I should have actually read your post and not the title. You will need to stop at the dealer to get the key programmed. There is no way to fool the system into thinking you have two keys. Each key is unique and it will know. You can still get it off Ebay, get it cut (make sure it works but don't try and start the truck, just turn it to the accessory position) then take it to the dealer to be done. When I got my '00 it was $30 to get it programmed. I have heard of dealers charging upwards of $100.

Some locksmiths have the portable tools to program keys (if you have no keys or just 1 key) also. usually they might be cheaper than a dealership.

Spare key

I too have only one key for my just purchased '99 EB. The dealer wants $100 to cut and program 1 key. I called a local (Cleveland, Ohio area) Locksmith and they will cut and program 2 keys for $70.
