Is there a "silent Brian" around here? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there a "silent Brian" around here?


Explorer Addict
June 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
McHenry, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Eddie Bauer AWD V8
Just started watching Dirt Every Day with Fred Williams... and it seems to have a pretty bad ass dude in a sweet 1st gen Explorer, so is he on this site?


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I think that's a very old video of Brian1's rig [MENTION=1644]Brian1[/MENTION]

Yes that is me. That video was shot December 2013 but my Explorer hasn't changed much since then. Here is another one with my Explorer in it towards the 6 minute mark:


Badass!!! I figured with how popular this forum is that you might be on here, lol. how big of a lift do you have on your rig? it almost seems perfect for trail riding. I am currently trying to get my Ex up to spec so I can do some trail riding by me, not too much here in IL, but I want to try it.
