Is there something wrong with the Timberline Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there something wrong with the Timberline Explorers?


Elite Explorer
December 21, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Chesterfield, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer Timberline
I've been an Explorer owner since 2001. Had a 2001 Job 2 Sport Trac 4x4 and sold that for a 2007 Sport Trac 4.6L 4x4 in 2006. Ordered that one and have put all of the 182k miles on it. I figure it is time to replace it before something in it leaves me stranded somewhere as the miles are getting up there. My usage has changed over time, and I find myself going off road a bit more to and from campsites and the river dragging a trailer behind me hauling kayaks.

I've been researching the Timberline as I'd rather have an SUV over a truck at this point and needed to have at least the same ground clearance that I have now. The Timberline is slightly higher than my '07 Trac so that works. I like the locking rear diff and other modes offered as well. I've watched nearly all the Youtube video reviews I can find on it and haven't seen anything that really changes my mind on wanting to get one.

My only question about it arises when I start looking around to find one. On the used market there's quite a few out there and most of them are fairly low mileage. I see more than one with less than 10k miles, but showing 2 or 3 owners already. Why? Is there something so horribly wrong with it that someone drives it for a few thousand miles and absolutely has to get rid of it? Did they buy it to be an on road family hauler and didn't like the way it rode because of the suspension package?

Also the used ones right now are barely less in price than a brand new one. Looking forward to the time when the used car market actually adjusts back to "normal"...

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I haven't read anything here about issues with the Timberline. Being a fairly recent model, perhaps buyers realized it just wasn't for them.
Merry Christmas.


Mechanically, the timberline is just an XLT with a more off road friendly suspension and tires and a torsen rear diff. The early 2020's there were some complaints about the 2.3L 4 cylinder not meshing well with the 10 speed automatic. Constantly hunting for the correct gear mostly, but I haven't heard anything on the newer ones. I suspect it's like PeterK said, they thought they wanted a timberline until they got one and didn't like the ride.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I haven't read anything here about issues with the Timberline. Being a fairly recent model, perhaps buyers realized it just wasn't for them.
Merry Christmas.

Kind of what I'd been suspecting. Thanks for the reply!

Mechanically, the timberline is just an XLT with a more off road friendly suspension and tires and a torsen rear diff. The early 2020's there were some complaints about the 2.3L 4 cylinder not meshing well with the 10 speed automatic. Constantly hunting for the correct gear mostly, but I haven't heard anything on the newer ones. I suspect it's like PeterK said, they thought they wanted a timberline until they got one and didn't like the ride.
Thanks! I'm leaning towards at least a 22 used, but if I find a 23 specd out like I want I might go for that. Now I originally wanted it in the green color, but the Carbonized Gray one I saw the other day on the road had me changing my mind... 😄

There's been lots of flippers recently for quite a few cars/trucks, I don't know if the Timberlines are in that group but Bronco's, Mavericks, and F150's are bringing a lot more than the original sticker price although that trend seems to be slowing down quite a bit. I know of quite a few Bronco owners that drove their Bronco's for a month or two and sold them back to the dealership for $5k more than they paid for them.

There's been lots of flippers recently for quite a few cars/trucks, I don't know if the Timberlines are in that group but Bronco's, Mavericks, and F150's are bringing a lot more than the original sticker price although that trend seems to be slowing down quite a bit. I know of quite a few Bronco owners that drove their Bronco's for a month or two and sold them back to the dealership for $5k more than they paid for them.
^^^this is it. think hea also a ford tech so he knows best ;) ive seen many buy a new one and wirh the used market they can get as much as they paid and then go get another one. i dont believe the timberlines ive seen have been much over msrp if at all. i do believe a small markup, but NOTHINNG compared to the bronc and mavs that ive seen. heck saw a XL mav back a yesr or so ago it was 21 msrp they wanted over 40 for it.

I think all of the above reasons. People bought the Timberline because it looks cool, did not realize that stiffer suspension and knobbier tires would effect the ride negatively, they go in for an oil change and the salesman puts them in a limited or whatever for the same payment. Dealers are happy as they have nearly new inventory, customer is happy as they now have something better suited to their neeeds, etc.. Also, many times when there is a new model there are short term leases that people grab up, drive it for a year and turn it back in. Just make sure the car fax is clear of thngs like buy back , etc...

Inventory is a huge problem right now and at least my dealership doesn't mark things up above the sticker price but used cars are fair game for whatever the market will bear and folks are paying stupid $$ for slightly used vehicles right now.

There's been lots of flippers recently
Yeah I forgot about that. Haven't really looked at cars since 2006 when I was shopping for my Sport Trac (ended up ordering one because I couldn't find what I wanted). That makes sense. Hopefully the market does adjust. Until then I feel like looking at new ones is a better bet.

There's been lots of flippers recently for quite a few cars/trucks, I don't know if the Timberlines are in that group but Bronco's, Mavericks, and F150's are bringing a lot more than the original sticker price although that trend seems to be slowing down quite a bit. I know of quite a few Bronco owners that drove their Bronco's for a month or two and sold them back to the dealership for $5k more than they paid for them.
I did this with my 22 Bronco, but put 12K miles on it, got more than I paid. Also didn't like it the more I drove it, it had tranny problems. I'm in a 22 ST-Line now, love it.
