ISO '95-'98 Sport Valence W/ Fogs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ISO '95-'98 Sport Valence W/ Fogs


Elite Explorer
February 7, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Seward, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
Looking for afront bumper lower valance from a '95-'98 Sport in black with fog light openings.


I have '97 chrome bumpers on my '00 Sport and want the bumper trim to match the fender flares (my bumpers currently have brown/grey XLT trim). I haven't been able to locate the valance specifically with fog light openings. Thanks!

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You could look at LKQ yards. They will ship to you.

were these shared w/ 4drs? if not could you repaint your XLT one?

Hmmm… I think most aftermarket are grey, right?

Hmmm… I think most aftermarket are grey, right?
I found aftermarket in black, but with the oversize shipping fee, they're over $50 which is more than I'd want to spend knowing it may not fit like OE and the color probably won't be quite right.

were these shared w/ 4drs? if not could you repaint your XLT one?
Yes, the physical parts are the same, but 2nd gen 4 doors never had black trim to my knowledge. I may end up repainting my grey/brown one, but a freshly painted black will be darker than the 25+ year sun-faded original trim I have everywhere else. I've also found that spray-painted bumper plastics don't hold up well when subjected to rock chips. Maybe Plasti-Dip will get it good enough.

I wonder how much one would be to ship from eastern edge of WY to you…

I’m hitting two junkyards in a few weeks.

97Sandbox… if interested, send me a PM
