ISO used 2001 sport trac hard topper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ISO used 2001 sport trac hard topper

March 11, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
La Crosse, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Sport Trac
Located in west central Wisconsin but location doesn’t matter
Nit finding any online besides brand new at $1,500 and up.
also unsure if my 2001 fits the 1995-2001 or 2001-2005 category

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2001 was the first model year the Sport Tracs were sold, so your 2001 is a 1st generation (2001-2005). Many parts are the same (especially from the cab or front seats forward) as the 2nd generation Explorer (1995-2001j and Explorer Sport (through 2003 I believe).

Of course, check craigslist in major cities within driving distance, but also look at Facebook marketplace and the Facebook Sport Trac groups. You can also try posting/searching, but there’s not much activity over there these days. There was a guy in northern Wisconsin that had one for sale about a year ago. No idea if he ever sold it or not.

I have a nice hard top toneau cover. To bad I’m in bc Canada tho!

Located in west central Wisconsin but location doesn’t matter
Nit finding any online besides brand new at $1,500 and up.
also unsure if my 2001 fits the 1995-2001 or 2001-2005 category
Have one in Michigan

Located in west central Wisconsin but location doesn’t matter
Nit finding any online besides brand new at $1,500 and up.
also unsure if my 2001 fits the 1995-2001 or 2001-2005 category
I’ve got one for sale, asking $500
