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Issues post recall fix


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April 9, 2024
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Cassatt SC
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2021, explorer
Excuse my ignorance when it comes to vehicles…but brief overview. 2021 explorer, 33k miles. No problems, except for hard shifting, which I have found via google to be the “norm”.
Recently had the bolt/bearing recall fixed, and 2 weeks later noticed a greasy substance on the concrete under the car. Took it in…again..and BOOM, random seal is leaking rear differential fluid.
My question is…this had to be related to the work done with the recall…right?

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Is it a leak from the left rear axle seal? If so, then yes.

Attached is the rear differential bushing replacement for police units that came out early 2023. I am sure the procedure is the same for the Ford Explorers that was issued a few months ago.


  • technical-information-–-bushing-replacement-police-units-only-pdf.pdf
    4.2 MB · Views: 46

Yes. And just called to see which replacement part was ordered; a left rear axle shaft.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Take it and have them check it out since the issue wasn't there before the work was done.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Take it and have them check it out since the issue wasn't there before the work was done.

Done. Replaced left axle shaft and seal today. Boot was throwing grease everywhere. Still denying it was their fault. Kinda common sense to me.

Did you by chance google the place you took it to and looked at the reviews to see if any of the negative reviews had stated that place being shady or untrustworthy? The ford dealer by my house has a bad reputation and my brother in law rip was conned over $1000 for oil changes and inspections that they claimed they did only for his truck to break down and when a regular mechanic shop looked at it to see what was causing the break down the engines oil had never been changed so the oil was thick and stuck to the pistons. Never got to sue them as he had an accident and passed away too young.

Did you by chance google the place you took it to and looked at the reviews to see if any of the negative reviews had stated that place being shady or untrustworthy? The ford dealer by my house has a bad reputation and my brother in law rip was conned over $1000 for oil changes and inspections that they claimed they did only for his truck to break down and when a regular mechanic shop looked at it to see what was causing the break down the engines oil had never been changed so the oil was thick and stuck to the pistons. Never got to sue them as he had an accident and passed away too young.
Did you by chance google the place you took it to and looked at the reviews to see if any of the negative reviews had stated that place being shady or untrustworthy? The ford dealer by my house has a bad reputation and my brother in law rip was conned over $1000 for oil changes and inspections that they claimed they did only for his truck to break down and when a regular mechanic shop looked at it to see what was causing the break down the engines oil had never been changed so the oil was thick and stuck to the pistons. Never got to sue them as he had an accident and passed away too young.
Yes. Bad reviews. None as bad as my experience, but still. One week after my 1st fix, the right axle shaft had to be replaced also. I have contacted Ford corporate and awaiting an investigation from them.
