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Issues with factory radios


Well-Known Member
October 25, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Staley, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer 78 F150
When I got my 94 Ex, it had a radio in it that was not an explorer radio. I knew this because there is no clock function and 6 preset buttons. It doesnt really give any volume until i push it to the max, and then its not what it should be. The front passenger side speaker is also very goofy, the PO had a piece of speaker wire run from the drivers side to the pass side. I have tried several explorer radios from others that my father has owned and we have striped down. NONE of the other radios produce any sound. they turn on, show stations being picked up, but no sound. I have the premium sound option (radio has one long flat and one square plug) and all the other radios i have tried plug right in. I am wondering if maybe my problem is the amp, has it gone to crap and thats why the unamplified explorer radios wont produce sound and why my speaker wont work in the front? Or did the PO have an aftermarket radio in it (pretty sure he did, has amp power and ground wires in back, and other connections in dash used on aftermarket radios) and maybe cut some wires or something or blew the factory amp. It is still plugged in i know because i added a jbl factory woofer and woofer amp and bolted the factory amp to the box. I would really like some help with this as sound stuff really isnt a strong point for me other than installing new stuff.

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So NO one has had this problem before? Not a SINGLE person?

well when i purchased my 94 xlt with the premium sound it already had an aftermarket head unit. but i later changed that and if i am corect there is a wire harness when installing an aftermarket that plugs into the plug in which plugs into the amp in the back... and then you run wires up to the dash from there and thats how the amp gets bypassed with an aftermarket head unit. check and make sure the amp itself is plugged it.... im not a genius here but it sounds like a good possibilty to me. i know my ex had 2 amps back there stock so maybe im wrong idk but i would check there and just trace the wires starting at the amp plug and up to the dash

where is the ground for the factory amp

with or without sub woofer?
