Japanes IQ test | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Japanes IQ test


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Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
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Huntington Beach, CA
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1991 Eddie
The object is to get everyone to the other side of the river.

The following rules apply:

1. Only 2 people on the raft at a time.
2. The father cannot stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence.
3. The mother cannot stay with any of the sons without their father's presence.
4. The thief (striped shirt) cannot stay with any family member if the police officer is not present.
5. Only the Father, the Mother and the Police officer know how to operate the raft .
6. To move the people click on them.
7. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.
8. To start click on the big blue circle on the right.

Take the test

Here is what it looks like when you are finished


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:confused: I managed to do it :thumbsup:
And did it again thinking it would be easier the second time. It wasn't :rolleyes:

That family has serious issues though. Not to mention the theif can't be left with a family member, but he can be left alone on one side of the river. :confused:

I did it took me a bit!

I tried again to see if I had the ley and I cant figure it out the second time!! hahaha have to take notes

okay so the theif is the last to take across, but she has to go across first too a
the cop can take kids across

hahahah nevermind, I did it twice thats all I know!!

Jefe said:
:confused: I managed to do it :thumbsup:
And did it again thinking it would be easier the second time. It wasn't :rolleyes:
I was thinking the same thing. I went back to do it again and couldn't remember how the hell I did it. :dunno:

Wow I feel dumb, this is really damn hard after a long days work lol

I give up..

This is a lot harder than it looks..

Whhhoo hoo I did it! :bounce:

Geez! I couldn't do it. I guess i'm just plain dumb. My Chinese is a little rusty. What does that say?

old mechanic said:
Geez! I couldn't do it. I guess i'm just plain dumb. My Chinese is a little rusty. What does that say?
That means you're not paying attention. This is the Japanese version... :p:

Yes; it is Chinese. If you click on the upper right icon it takes you to a Chinese story game used to teach English.

:bsnicker: Perhaps the title of the thread is ironic? :dunno:

410Fortune said:
okay so the theif is the last to take across, but she has to go across first too a
the cop can take kids across
That is correct, you leave the thief by himself after the first crossing, and just before the last crossing.

Yay, I did it again. Piece of cake this time. :cool:


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Damn guys, after little sleep last night and working till 11:30pm, just reading the directions made my head hurt. Maybe I will give it a try tomorrow. :D

the first time was like how in the world does this work after about 10 minutes I figgured it out but now I can't remember how oh well Ill try again later

3 minutes. There is a very easy rule of thumb to little games like this one...

Once the rules are established (I played before, but can't read whatever language it is) it took me about 5 minutes.

MyExpWork said:
Once the rules are established (I played before, but can't read whatever language it is) it took me about 5 minutes.
The rules are in English in the first post...

Thank God I have alot of free time on my hands!!!!!!!

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