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Japanese Sport Trac


Elite In Memoriam
January 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sexy Sport Trac 4x4
I just got back from a trip to the Philippines.

As usual I saw lots of interesting trucks that you don't see here in the USA.
As I traveled through the Philippines, I kept catching a glimpse of a truck that looked a lot like a 1st gen Sport Trac.

I finally figured out that it was a Mitsubishi Strada.

Here are some pics of it:



Another interesting thing about trucks overseas is that these light duty trucks use 6 lug axles. Even the Ford Ranger in the Philippines has 6 lugs. But the Ford Sport Trac over there is exactly like it is here.

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toyotas, nissans, mistubishis, have used 6 lugs in their lds for a long time... even here... dodge ram d50 too

i saw a bunch of cool trucks in OZ, mainly toyota hilux, they look like a older tacoma but have a external bedrail on them.... and everything over there had a snorkel, even the 2wds... a lot of the 2wd mini trucks had fullsize flatbeds on them... pure utility over there. we drove a nissan patrol, that looks a lot liek the toyota landcrusier

You guys should see the Mazda Tribute, it looks just like a 2nd gen. Ford Explorer.....:).....go thru google and go to images, type in Mazda Tribute, it's amazing how alike they look.....

wierd......this is why i like american styling. even though it'd probably the same in every way that counts, that mitsu thing looks horrible next to a ST, then again, i am biased

I just got back from a trip to the Philippines.

As usual I saw lots of interesting trucks that you don't see here in the USA.
As I traveled through the Philippines, I kept catching a glimpse of a truck that looked a lot like a 1st gen Sport Trac.

I finally figured out that it was a Mitsubishi Strada.

Here are some pics of it:



Another interesting thing about trucks overseas is that these light duty trucks use 6 lug axles. Even the Ford Ranger in the Philippines has 6 lugs. But the Ford Sport Trac over there is exactly like it is here.

it looks like someone saw a toyota yaris and decided to throw a truck bed on it and an engine with more than 100 horses...

All Sport Trac vehicles in the Philippines have all been imported from the USA, currently I own and operate 2001 Sport Trac plus 1999 F150 Pick-up, the philippines has a mass of collectable classic American cars, when you go looking theres a lot out there.
Manila Kev

You guys should see the Mazda Tribute, it looks just like a 2nd gen. Ford Explorer.....:).....go thru google and go to images, type in Mazda Tribute, it's amazing how alike they look.....

thats probably because Mazda is owned by Ford...

You guys should see the Mazda Tribute, it looks just like a 2nd gen. Ford Explorer.....:).....go thru google and go to images, type in Mazda Tribute, it's amazing how alike they look.....

It looks more like a ford escape.. eh well It looks like a mix of both. But I think it leans more towards looking like the escape.

When I was in Austrailia in the early 90's, I saw 4 door small trucks everywhere. I kept thinking that would be cool to have here. They almost all had big bull bars across the front and some had extensions running down the side. Hitting kangaroos is worse there than deer here.

it looks almost like the nissan frontier or the nissan titan

yeah you can get a 4 door ranger overseas too, with a turbo Diesel 5 cylinder
