Just bought a 1997 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought a 1997 Explorer


November 25, 2004
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City, State
Cambridge, England UK
Year, Model & Trim Level
Hi guys

I race a 1987 Mustang here in the UK and decided it was time i trailored it to the track and decided that it had to be from the USA too. I've just bought a 1997 right hand drive UK spec Explorer 4.0. and love it.

Stright in with a question :rolleyes:
Having bought the car and driven it around for about a week i've notice that when trying to park, ie turning hard right and in reverse i get a klonking noise,sounds like its from the front left?
Not knowing how the 4x4 auto works in reverse is it trying to stay two wheel drive or jumping in and out of 2 4x4.
Also when in traffic creeping alone under 5mph i get a slight klonking noise from under the car, agian is this the auto funtion not knowing what to do?
I hope you guys can help as the last thing i want to do is get rid of it.

And a great site you have here. :thumbsup:

Explorer pic's to follow shorty
Mustang Pictures
Mustang Video

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Welcome to the site from another UK owner.

The clonking that you hear sounds like it might be a CV joint and/or the uj's on the prop shaft. Check for play. Also check all the rubber bushes at the front end for play.

Welcome to the site, check the cv's first like he said ;)

Thanks for the reply's guy's

I'll check them tomorrow and let you know what i find.

Howard, do you do the work on you car ?

Welcome Pete , I bought the Haynes Manual from Amazon, comes in handy along with this great site, I think it was about £15 ;)

Dave :uk:

It's good to see i'm not the only Brit on here :)

Going to order a manual.

Hi Sticks, just looked at your ride, Cool car.
I'm interested in the LPG conversion, how much did it cost?
Have you taken any pic's yet.

SneakyPete_UK said:
It's good to see i'm not the only Brit on here :)

Going to order a manual.

Hi Sticks, just looked at your ride, Cool car.
I'm interested in the LPG conversion, how much did it cost?
Have you taken any pic's yet.
The conversion cost around £1600, the tank replaces the spare wheel and holds about 80 litres of gas , I've only filled up with gas twice so far but I'm getting around 2 mpg less on gas than petrol. With gas at around 39p a litre it halves the fuel bill each time . You need to be doing a few miles a year to get your money back , but if you're going to keep the truck for a few years it's worth looking into . No pictures yet , but I'll have a go soon (just need a dry weekend )


If it is a single pop when turning, I would also look into the outer tierods.

The conversion cost around £1600, the tank replaces the spare wheel and holds about 80 litres of gas , I've only filled up with gas twice so far but I'm getting around 2 mpg less on gas than petrol. With gas at around 39p a litre it halves the fuel bill each time . You need to be doing a few miles a year to get your money back , but if you're going to keep the truck for a few years it's worth looking into . No pictures yet , but I'll have a go soon (just need a dry weekend )


Another advantage is that the gas doesn't contaminate the oil nearly as much as petrol does.

Did you mount your spare on a swing away bracket on the back?

What did you do about the timing and spark plugs?

Flash said:
Did you mount your spare on a swing away bracket on the back?

What did you do about the timing and spark plugs?

Did away with the spare and got the tyres filled with a gel that seals any punctures (fingers crossed) I got the plugs changed at the same time as the conversion as they were the origional ones with 50,000 miles on them .As for the timing I haven't a clue The LPG's got it's own ecu that controlls it all (I guess) :D


Thanks for your input guys

I have good news, going to keep the X :thumbsup:
The problem was the switch!
It could not decide if it was in auto or 4x4

Next job is to fit a tow bar so i drag the Mustang to the track
and fit a Flow Master exhaust.

I've also been invited to a offroad day in the summer, this is a yearly event organised by a friend who works for Chrysler Jeep, so that should be fun.
I'll also get some pic's uploaded as im keeping it.

Sticks do you have a contact for the LPG

SneakyPete_UK said:
Thanks for your input guys


Sticks do you have a contact for the LPG
Pete go to www.lpga.co.uk this is the LPG association site , if you click on the Autogas tab ,then the 'information for customers' steering wheel thingy(you'll see what I mean when you're there ), then download their list of approved conversion companys , there's bound to be one near you that can give you more info

more info here www.lpgweb.info

www.greenfuel.org.uk this site gives you an idea of how much you will save a year or how long it will take until you get your money back :cool:


Hay sticks thanks for the links :thumbsup:
one of the places that are authorized are only 15 miles down the road, all ready talking to them :)

Got the car back from the garage when they said they had fixed it that wasn't completely true.

They replaced the knob on the switch so i can now select auto and 4x4, kool.
Problem is with the car stopped and in neutral when i turn it to 4x4 low it doesn’t go in to 4x4 low, the 4x4 light stays on
I do a search for "97 4x4low not working" the list was endless
you guys know your stuff,
please understand that this is the first 4x4 I’ve owned (And I’m in the UK), I’ve taken the X to a Ford dealer who have basically ripped me off. :mad:
I'm waiting for a manual to turn up, I’ll then do it myself, in the mean time is there a logical way to find out why the 4x4low is not working.
I been told that it’s possible the 4x4low has never been used and it’s just stuck, if this is true which bits do I need to look at.

I look forward to your replies

To get into 4x4 low as well as stopped and in neutral you need your foot on the brake pedal. It might just be the shift motor is stuck.

Flash said:
Another advantage is that the gas doesn't contaminate the oil nearly as much as petrol does.

Did you mount your spare on a swing away bracket on the back?

What did you do about the timing and spark plugs?

Hey sticks,

As a fellow UK owner I am also considering an LPG conversion but how does it work ?

I assume that you alternate what you are running the car on ? Ie petrol for a fill up then gas ?

Nippon said:
Hey sticks,

As a fellow UK owner I am also considering an LPG conversion but how does it work ?

I assume that you alternate what you are running the car on ? Ie petrol for a fill up then gas ?
Nippon , If you go for a modern (fully sequential ) system it does it all for you , the one on mine starts up on petrol then runs a diagnostic check, then switches over to gas after about a mile ,it has a small switch where you can switch it back over to petrol if you want .You don't notice the change over at all .It does mean a few extra pipes around under the 'hood' and you may loose your spare wheel or loose some boot space if you have the tank fitted there .You will get about 10% less MPG when runnig on LPG also , I was averaging 19mpg before now I get about 16.5 mpg but at 37p a litre (about £1.68 a gallon ) I can suffer that . It costs me about £28 ($54) to fill the tank with 75 litres (about 16.5 gallons)
I will post some pics soon , just can't seem to find the time this time of year (always dark now !) :D

Dave :uk:

Howard said:
To get into 4x4 low as well as stopped and in neutral you need your foot on the brake pedal. It might just be the shift motor is stuck.

Thanks for your reply Howard, tried that already didn't going to look at the Shift Motor in the new year, i'll let you know how i get on.

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