Just bought an 01 Sport. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought an 01 Sport.


May 28, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I love the new style they came out with in 01, but I want to dress it up a bit without putting to much cash into it. I'm only 16, its my first truck and am only working a part time job. so the money isn't flowing to well right now.

Any ideas to give it some extra zing when people see it, I wanna start my mods off right and not make major ones that mess up and make it look like crap

Here's what she looks like right now


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Nice man, same here with the part time job and whatnot, but i just turned 17 lol, picked up my 2nd explorer just a few days ago, i have a 92 EB and a 95 XLT, I never was a fan of the style you have, but I think it looks good in black, around here all I see is that god awful teal/green color lmao...

Id get a nice set of like 18s for it, used they would be probably 300$ish...thats like 3 weeks of working for me lmfao

nice sport do u got aim or yahoo messanger.

come check out my 01 sport 4x2 i got pics of it but they are like 9 months old but here is link anyways.


nice, looks really clean :p

paint that gray plastic black. will look alot better. then save up for a BL.

haha good to see theres people out there with the same deal goin on. im 17 and i work 4 jobs but the moneys still not doin so well lol.

i wanna eventually make my x be mono paint that grey part all gold
