key pad code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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key pad code

R. G. Ellis

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June 1, 2010
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Where do I find the entry code for the key less entry key pad on a 2007 explorer

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Do a search for the multiple threads that are already here. I had to take mine into the dealer to get it scanned for the code. It cost $43.

According to the service manual it is on the back of the Smart Junction Box which is the fusebox under the dash. I've looked with mirrors and a flashlight and could see a label but no numbers. Easiest is to take it to the dealer and get it read.

Every thing I've read for this generation says it's in the dash behind the passenger air bag (which has to be removed to get to it) I just went to the dealer, cost $40 for them to scan for it. Good luck

Thank all of you for the help. It will save me a lot of aggravation..
