personal entry code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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personal entry code


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May 19, 2007
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I have a ford explorer 2007 that I can't find the entry code location ?

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Welcome to the forum! It should be stamped in the inside of your door. You will have to remove the door panel to see it.

I have a ford explorer 2007 that I can't find the entry code location ?

The dealer should have also given you the entry code. Taking the door trim panel off is a pain. I would contact your selling dealer first.

If you are talking about the door code then mine was on a card located in my vehicle manual folder.

If you are talking about the door code then mine was on a card located in my vehicle manual folder.

Yes mine was the same as well

Call the original dealer. If you bought it new, they'll just tell it to you. If you bought it used, you can fax them the title in your name and they should give it to you.

Bought my 06 XLT used from a GM dealer :rolleyes: and no code :mad:

Anyway I took it to a Ford dealer :cool: for the first oil change and they pulled the code for free.:D
