Keyless Entry Code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keyless Entry Code


November 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Buffalo, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
Is there a way to find the Keyless Entry code on a 2004 Explorer XLT apart from taking it to the dealership and paying $50 to get it hooked up to the computer?

Any help would be great.

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on my 02 it was on a computer that is located on passenger side ride behind the middle seat. you have to pull the plastic out quite a bit. its under the plastic under that back window kinda under the seat belt anchor.

I have a 2003 explorer. I found the CSM module under the windshield vent on the passenger side. Lift off the vent bezel and look through the glass from outside. Looking for a box with an arrow stating FORWARD printed on it. Should also see 5 numbers in bold large print. Thats your code #'s for keyless. Use a flashlight at night to see it best. Thats where the module was on my 03. lol

I have a 2003 explorer. I found the CSM module under the windshield vent on the passenger side. Lift off the vent bezel and look through the glass from outside. Looking for a box with an arrow stating FORWARD printed on it. Should also see 5 numbers in bold large print. Thats your code #'s for keyless. Use a flashlight at night to see it best. Thats where the module was on my 03. lol

You have a SPORT model, which is setup more like a 2ND GEN then a 3rd gen.

Anybody that owns a 2002-2005 4-Door Ex will not be able to find the code in the location you've stated.

You have a SPORT model, which is setup more like a 2ND GEN then a 3rd gen.

Anybody that owns a 2002-2005 4-Door Ex will not be able to find the code in the location you've stated.

Thanks for putting that in there. There are so many posts in this forum about keyless codes and what have you it gets confusing reading all the threads unless it is application specific. Here is the link I used to locate the CSM/RAP module.
