Keyless entry question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keyless entry question


Active Member
September 5, 2005
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City, State
Floyds Knobs, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT 4x4
The 98 XLT we just purchased has power door locks, but the owner doesn't have a keyless remote. Is there a way to find out if it has keyless entry already and the remote is just lost? If it doesn't, isn't there a way to add keyless entry to it? My wife would really like to have it.


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there have been a few posts here about this. Basically, the module if you have it, is usually in the rear cargo panel (driver's side)... if you open the jack access panel and look forward, you should see a white box with the factory code on the side... then you have the necessary "basics".... just get a remote off ebay. If not, I put in a unit from walmart (~$50) that works fine and took about 1/2 hr to wire in using the same access area as the door lock / unlock relays are right there.

budwich said:
there have been a few posts here about this. Basically, the module if you have it, is usually in the rear cargo panel (driver's side)... if you open the jack access panel and look forward, you should see a white box with the factory code on the side... then you have the necessary "basics".... just get a remote off ebay. If not, I put in a unit from walmart (~$50) that works fine and took about 1/2 hr to wire in using the same access area as the door lock / unlock relays are right there.

Went and looked, no white box. Just a black box with a bunch of wires( I'm assuming they are for the door lock/unlock?) Guess I'll do it myself. Thanks for the help. :)

Their should be a bar code on the box with some #,s.That is your factory code.Do a search on this sight to find the procedures.I had the same problem and found it on this sight.

caveman1 said:
Their should be a bar code on the box with some #,s.That is your factory code.Do a search on this sight to find the procedures.I had the same problem and found it on this sight.

If it's supposed to be a white box, I don't have it. I'll look again and see if there are #'s on it.
