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Keyless Entry


New Member
February 17, 2003
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Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer Limited
My 95 Ex has what appears to be a inoperative Driver's side door lock. Doesn't work with either the lock switch or the keypad. only way to lock the truck up is manually. I can deal with that but... My question is: With that actuator dead (driver's side) would that keep the keyless entry system for operating?

All the other lock actuators work with both lock switches interior switches.

Thanks In Advance for the help

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From what I learned about keyless entry systems, the driver-side controls all the other doors. So without the driver-side unlocking with the remote, the other doors won't either.

Originally posted by OleRaven
My question is: With that actuator dead (driver's side) would that keep the keyless entry system for operating?

No, a bad actuator will not prevent the other actuators / keyless from operating.

I may be mixed up, but I've heard that most factory keyless entry systems you press the unlock button once, which unlocks the driver side, and a second time to unlock everything, but if the first press doesn't unlock a door, it will start over when you press it again, trying to unlock the driver side door again. I have a Clifford so it's a press for everything. Either way you're better off just replacing the actuator. It's inexpensive in most cases, and is an improvement over manual locking.

Do you have to manually push the lock itself down?

or do you push the lock/unlock button inside to lock it? I felt stupid and didn't even think about it until someone asked me.....have I changed the batteries after 4 years of use? lol uuumm duh... it was weird i would push it once and nothing would lock...push it again and the other doors would lock but not the drivers door.....dunno what that had to do with the batteries but when I changed them worked like it should again....


I have a goof battery in the remote. changed it the day all this started. it will not unlock anything, no matter if you push it 60 times. I tried reprogramming with no luckk what so ever. The only door with problems is the driver's door. and the only way to get the other doors to work is to use the button on either the driver's or passenger's armrest. Can't help but think that it might be keeping everything from working right. More than likely wrong on this matter (as usual)

How tough is it to change out the actuator? and where (besides Ford) can a person find one.

Door lock actuator should take around 1.0 hrs. You need to remove the door panel to get to the actuator.

You need a punch, drill, riveter and basic tools.
I have heard of some people using an bolt but I don't have any experiene with that.
