Keypad Code-HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keypad Code-HELP


New Member
June 10, 2002
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Cleveland, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
Bought a used 2001 Explorer Sport and do not have key code. I have read previous posts to locate computer module but can not locate it in the jack compartment

Am I not looking hard enough or is located elsewhere on a 2001?

Can anyone give me a detailed location?

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On my 99 it is in the jack compartment but way to the front; use a flashlight and good luck.

screw the key code! All it is is a theft hazard. I found out from some 8th grader how easy it is to break into my X with that stupid key pad. I tried it. And was able to unlock it on the first try. Im bout to be buying a new alarm. However if you still want to know then youre looking in the right place. Look for a 5 digit code facing the jack. Its pretty far back though

is there one generic code or something BT4auBURN?

Thye factory set code is in the jack compartment, I doubt that this is a "universal" code.

Yeah, I know about the factory set code... I had to use that when I bought mine. Thats pretty bad that people can find a way to manipulate these things to open for them tho.

Another flaw of the keypad is that all you have to do to get the dome lights to come on is press one button. This allows could-be theives to see what's inside. :eek:

Originally posted by Hartman
Another flaw of the keypad is that all you have to do to get the dome lights to come on is press one button. This allows could-be theives to see what's inside. :eek:

So does a simple flashlight.

Yeah, but with my tint it will be harder to shine a flashlight thru the glass from the outside that the domelight eluminating the interior from the inside.


lol, ive probably tried 100 times to get mine to work doing things like that, but it wont....i guess ive actually got an electrical problem with mine, cuz it just stopped working about 2 years ago while my dad was driving it.

While we're on the subject, does anybody know how to get the plastic trim piece off, I want to paint it.

Originally posted by BT4auBURN
I dont know about a universal code. However, I hate to put this on here but I will edit it tonight. If you start at the number 1. and press on it then rub your fingers all the way down the key pad and back up a few times. (maybe 10) then it will unlock the doors. Mine worked after going up and down the keypad 3 times. And my code is pretty far apart. These were 8th graders that taught me this! If our "security systems" cant keep an eight grader out then thats pretty crappy!

Maybe that is because your personal code is set at "1-3-5-7-9"? Mine isn't quite so obvious and this procedure did nothing but make my fingers raw.

I would hope the Ford people weren't that stupid to make a code 13579. I know my code and I dont see how it would work but I did it and it worked.

AQexplorer: Take off the plastic piece where the jack is. Look in there towards the front of the truck. There will be a black or grey module in there with wires coming out and there is a sticker on it that has a series of 5 numbers on it. That is your factory code. You will need a flash light an maybe a small mirror.

Originally posted by Hartman
Yeah, but with my tint it will be harder to shine a flashlight thru the glass from the outside that the domelight eluminating the interior from the inside.

Thats wjen they use a brick.....

A brick? OK?

If they want it they will get it, as for me, i love the access it gives me without the key.

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ok, i got the number, and it doesnt i guess my problem is wiring somewhere, it just quit workin one day about 2 years ago while my dad was driving it.

who knows, i guess ill have to take it to the ford shop and get them to figure it out.
