Knocking sound from engine on startup | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Knocking sound from engine on startup


November 7, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Explorer Sport
I've been trying to track down an elusive knocking noise from the left side of the engine compartment on my '97 4.0L SOHC. It only happens at startup, only lasts for a few minutes, then disappears as soon as I begin to drive, or after it idles for a few minutes.

Just looked at the AllData TSB list, and found 99-26-5 "Knocking noise from left side of engine at startup 4.0L". Does anyone have the full text of this TSB, or know what the heck I need to be looking for?


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Sorry, I realized I'd posted this question last year before a trip, and never checked for replies. My question was answered; there was a general recall and extended warranty offered (that's now expired!).

How many miles do you have?

Just over 100K.

Then you are probably out of luck getting any help from Ford unfortunately. Someone here has replaced their tensioners. If it is something you are thinking about tackling, try and find out who did it here. If you pay to have them replaced expect to pay about $350 unless they find a bunch of other things they think needs replaced. Ford's official stance is that the tensioner noise will not cause harm to the engine. The camshaft guides are another story though. That noise is supposed to be a lot louder and does not go away after a few seconds. If they fail, it can lead to total engine failure.
