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Late spring Hot Springs run


Elite Explorer
May 25, 2002
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native Floridian
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94 sport
After seeing more Tennesseans on here, wanted to see if there is interest for a late spring, or early summer run to the Superlift park. Should be nice weather then, and a great time to wheel.

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count me in. only a 1.5 hour drive. :)

you know my answer......:bounce: :mattmoon:

Fianlly a run I might be able to friggin' go to. I need to know the date first before I can commit -- school and all. Also, can I ride with one of y'all? :D


PS - I have seen a lot of videos from people I know at the park and I've been itching to go. Looks like mucho fun.

dates are open for discussion, figure if we start now, that will give others time to prepare.

286 miles from Dallas. Hmmm I would love to wheel the park. Depends if I have the trailer and tow vehicle back by then. What dates are you guys looking at?

I was thinking around late May, early June. But I am only 4 hours from there, so wouldn't matter to me.

I'm only 3hours (Memphis) from Hot Springs and I'll be there if at all possible. Late May early June is fine with me... I'll be finished with school and out for the summer by then. I'm thinking a good Saturday wheeling?


PS - If it's no too terrible hot I might bring the no A/C having F150 out for some moderate wheeling. *MIGHT*:D

That was my thought, late May, early June should be nice weather, not too hot, and low humidity.

It'll be hot.... you can bet on that...

Originally posted by sureshot40sw
It'll be hot.... you can bet on that...

I'm counting on that.

Jamest, you bringing the bronco?

That would be nice. Maybe since she is having sucha good time there :rolleyes: We can invite her to our shindig.
JohnStone, will you be at this event?

Originally posted by Trckmagik
That would be nice. Maybe since she is having sucha good time there :rolleyes: We can invite her to our shindig.
JohnStone, will you be at this event?
Shoot, that's too far off to be able to say I can make it. I can't plan that far ahead. :D But, if I'm around in Texas at that time and the truck is running. Sure, why not!

Originally posted by Trckmagik
That would be nice. Maybe since she is having sucha good time there :rolleyes: We can invite her to our shindig.
JohnStone, will you be at this event?
And only if you bring BJ.

If I still live in the area and have some lasting employment I'm down. I suppose if its 3 hrs from Memphis it'll be about 5.5-6 hrs for me.

Paris Hilton!!:eek:

Dasfrem, I am in Jackson, if others from middle Ten. goe we can meet on highway, and caravan there.

Sounds like a plan.

I'm down for the Nashville/Jackson guys meeting up in Memphis to caravan to Hot Springs. Whatever works.


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JohnStone, I'll be there .... maybe in my rig .... if I can get off my butt and start fixin' it.
