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Latest of the VDub! (DEC 03)

Well here they are!

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if you like it thats all thats important.
Personally, i'd never want lights that big on a car...just looks out of place... but i'm not downing you, if you liek it then its all good buddy! :)

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its done fairly cleanly, good install thus far.

but if i saw that thing i'd probably point it out to whomever was riding with me and laugh. Its just not my style at all.

I gotta be honest, Alec, I kinda agree with Expo. I don't get the lights and colorful light switches and out of place hood scoop. :( Aside from those 3, everything else looks awesome!

Looks better in person I guess.

The switches are all basically black when off, you're seeing the flash. They're different colors so I can easily see what's on. IMO it is one of the best switch panels I've seen in a while.

Well to each his own. I'm gonna go do some donuts in the rain :D

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
...and out of place hood scoop.

Actually the hood scoop is much more effective like that. If it were centered, the air would have to flow around all kinds of hot engine components before reaching the intake. This way it gets nice cold air. I like it!

If it was centered it would do both Jack and Sheeeeat. All it would do would cool down the plastic engine cover.

Originally posted by Alec
If it was centered it would do both Jack and Sheeeeat. All it would do would cool down the plastic engine cover.

Exactly. For the X it would be on the opposite side.

Alec: I like the look and functionality of the lights and I have to agree, the switch panel is definately one of the cleanest I've seen. :cool: What's next for the V-dub?

Oh, and Doc and Hartman....I hope you didn't believe him when he said it would remain stock! :D :p

Originally posted by Bashman
Oh, and Doc and Hartman....I hope you didn't believe him when he said it would remain stock! :D :p

I knew he wouldn't keep it stock. He's been bitten by the bug, it was inevitable.

Originally posted by Alec
I haven't done any mods to void the warranty :D

I bet they would give you some problems about the Hood Scoop. I could hear a dealer now "It allowed Forgien debries to enter the engine."

I hate dealers!

Hood scoop is great. The fact that it's functional makes it even more awesome, I'm really tired of seeing hood scoops double-sided-taped onto cars, and the hoods aren't even cut :mad:

Did it help with performance? How does it seal against the airbox?

It doesn't seal against the airbox, but does introduce cool air into the vicinity of the airbox. I opened up the factory ducts from the grille (which get pretty warm going by the motor) so the hood scoop air can rush in and find it's way into the airbox.

It did noticably help performance, as much as the original airfilter mod. And I was at the dealer last week for an oil change and they approved and loved it ;)

now what do you do about water entering the hoodscoop when it rains? can it damage anything?

There is screen door screen under the opening which traps debris and the large water drops. The rest of the water is aerosolized and can't hurt anything. If a large drop does get through it will just fall and not flow into the intake.

I designed the system not to create suction through the scoop, and so anything heavier than some mist won't go into the intake since it will have to flow up. Kinda like a trap for your home sink drain.

Also my air filter is foam, not paper or cotton. Any water that's trapped will later be repelled by the impregnated oil and will drop off the filter.

ahhhh to see a beloved dub again ...

wish i never sold my gti , especially for a bizzitch


whats the name of that new golf the 32 or sumthing like that. That should be a sick car like 240 some h.p

are you refering to the one that is comming with the w8 i think they called it . once that hits , so much for the g60 and the vr6 swaps , we will be seeing gti's and rabbits running an 8 banger . that has to be insane . ill have to check into the vw vortex , i havnt been there since i got rid of mine .

2 different vehicles:

R32 Golf with 4Motion and the 3.2L VR6, currently only in Europe.

Passat W8 with 4Mo, already in the US.

thanks ofr the info . its been about a year and a half since ive kept up on the dub scene . that is a nice ride by the way

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