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Latest on Firestone Wilderness AT recalls

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Are those the same tires that are on your X PLRBEAR?

Yes! I am simply overjoyed by the news. Although i'll probably be at the tail-end of the recall since we're in Canada where the weather is not as harsh in the Summer.
At least i feel more at ease knowing that i'll get new tires really soon. In the meantime, i'll just stay away from long trips out of town. :)

im pretty happy about this, but let me ask you guys a question. i have the 16" ones on my truck, but i just bought new 17" rims and new tires to fit my new rims. i was planning on taking my receipt into ford to get the money towards my new tires, but i bought 17's and my truck has 16's stock. do you think theyll give me the money or should i just go in with my old rims and get the new tires for my 16's for free? im gonna sell my old rims anyway, so whoever buys them will get brand new tires, but what do you guys think?


oh this is just great!!! my "stones" have been sitting in the garage for some time. ill show them my proof of purchase for my BGFs from 4wheel parts. i wonder how much they will give me for them with 20k miles. Oh and i wont forget the full spare.. gotta go!! Only thing left is to sell the OEM 16x7 wheels.

I wonder if they will swap out my 31X10.5 firestone AT for a set of stock sized (225/70R15 or 235/75R15) michelins(sp?) or something, do you think i should call them and ask? They did recall ALL wilderness AT's on all Explorers right. I might could fight it a lil bit, it's worth a try.

Now I can finally get the Wilderness AT off my X and go buy some Big O Dual Groove AT. Called Ford and they said I could do that and still be reimbursed $110/tire for 15 inch. But they would not take any responsibility for any tire problems because they were not on the "approved" list. To qualify for the replacement you need to have on your truck (or sitting in the garage collecting dust) the following Wilderness:

Ranger P215/75R15
Ranger P235/75R15
Ranger P235/70R16
Ranger P245/75R16
Ranger P265/75R15
Mountaineer/Explorer 1995-1997 P255/75R16
Expedition P255/70R16
Expedition P265/70R17
F-Series and Bronco P235/75R15
F-Series 1997 P235/70R16
Explorer/Mountaineer P235/75R15
Explorer/Mountaineer 1991-1994 and 1998-2001 P235/75R15
Explorer/Mountaineer P255/70R16

Check out the full details at:

nice tires


Good call on the Big O's. I got mine in Aug. 2000 during the original Firestone scare. I've been happy with them in all conditions. Plus, I just got my refund check from Ford last week, so they were free! Got to love that. Hope you enjoy yours too.

Tbomb or soupbone...if either is looking to sell 1 rim that is 16inch, 5-4.5, I need one for the spare. I just moved up from 15 (235-75-15) to the stock 16 inch wheel (265-70-16) but have only 4. I need another wheel for the spare. I am giving Ford back the 5 Firestones and purchasing 5 Michelin M/S.
