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Latest upgrade I forgot I needed


Moderator-Stock 91-94
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 9, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Vail, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT 4x4
I've been meaning to replace the 'el cheapo keyboard that I've been using for quite a while. I have 4 different brands of keyboards between all of the desktop machines I use at home or at the office.

The Old Microsoft ergonomic (sp?) keyboard I've had since around 2000 was "ok".. The rest sucked..

A friend of mine brought me a nice keyboard and I love this thing. After less than 1 day I'm making less mistakes and when I do mistype something I know it right away since it doesn't "feel" right when I do it.

Here's a pic of my new keyboard on the home office desktop system.


An IBM 1391401 Model M keyboard from 1988 (white logo).

I got a 2nd keyboard (1990 model), but I had to order some missing keycaps from before I can put it into use. I'm going to bring the 2nd keyboard to work and use it there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick up a few more so all of my desktop machines will use they keyboards again..


Good thing I don't work in a cubicle.. Otherwise I'm sure I'd drive others nuts.. At least the people in the other offices will know when I'm working.. I'm sure they will be able to hear the keyboard in the hallway as I can hear it over the radio in the home office and I don't exactly have the music low.


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Whew, when I first opened the thread, I thought you threw up those pics of the IBM keyboards as representations of your old "el cheapo" keyboards. I was about to tell you that you don't know what you have there, lol.

I love those keyboards... wish they came in black though.

They exist, but are rare..

Here is one of the trackball Model M keybaords (new style, but IIRC, still a buckling spring style)

Also, I believe some of the lexmark made ones are black, along with ones made by dell (early dell, not the crap they have now).

This is what I'm looking for as my ultimate keyboard..

Its extremely rare though.. I haven't seen one for sale in forever..


The Dell ones that I've seen are the purplish-black Dell proprietary color. My keyboard holy grail is to find one of the old Sony models in black since that's what kind of laptop I have.

The ergonomically-friendly Microsoft Natural series keyboards ROCK! The newer ones with the continuous keys across it I'm not so fond of, but the 10 year old MS Natural Pro I've got I absolutely LOVE!!... I still can't type for schnit, but my wrists don't hurt after using it! It's been through the dishwasher for cleaning no less than four times over the years because it gets all nasty, but it still works perfectly!

The ergonomically-friendly Microsoft Natural series keyboards ROCK! The newer ones with the continuous keys across it I'm not so fond of, but the 10 year old MS Natural Pro I've got I absolutely LOVE!!... I still can't type for schnit, but my wrists don't hurt after using it! It's been through the dishwasher for cleaning no less than four times over the years because it gets all nasty, but it still works perfectly!

Thats the keyboard I replaced with the Model M. The MS "Natural" keyboard p/n 59758 I've had since before I got this computer which was 2001.

I did hear back from ClickyKeyboards. They have an IBM NEW IN BOX M15 keyboard. I don't know if they have the numeric keypad for it, but they will be putting it on ebay in a few weeks. I'm afraid that keyboard is going to go for quite a bit. I've seen them go for $500+ before. Thats out of my price range though :(.

I only paid $20 to get this 2nd keyboard working (needed some keycaps). The actual keyboards are keyboards I at one time owned and gave to a friend years ago when I gave him some IBM PS/2 boxes (model 80's).

