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leaf spring bushing sizing and suppliers

Good to know that we have options to buy these bushings.

An update for 1st gen guys installing OME36 Springs: The 1st Gen OEM front eye metal shells are *too small* for the 3.2125 kit front eye bushings. Or I destroyed my OEM shells to the point where they're unusable. That means you have two options. 1) buy the pre-made rubber-metal bushings as gavin and Sonic_Mikey have done above, or 2) fab your own metal shells.

I'm (attempting) to do #2, since I'm going to try to use these Energy Suspension poly bushings for the front eyes. I went to my local exhaust guy, and had him cut me two 2.5" long approx 1.75" diameter galvanized tailpipe sections. They are as thin as, or thinner than, the OEM shells. These were still too big to press in, cold and lubed.

I then cut a slit down the length of the shell. I was then able to press in the shell. However, due to the slit, one side of the shell overlapped a bit on the other, once it was pressed in. That may not bode well for the bushing, as you want a smooth inner surface there. I may end up making a wider slit, or grinding down the overlap in some way.

In hindsight buying the pre-made rubbers may be the best solution for the front leaf eyes.

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So, I ended up making my own leaf spring front eye bushings. I'll post some pics. I experimented with a couple of sizes of galvanized exhaust pipe. This one didn't work, even after cutting, etc. :

I ended up going to my exhaust shop, and had them cut me two 2.5" long, 1.75" diam galvanized exhaust pipe. I then cleaned them up with a grinder, then dremel tool, froze them, lubed them, and they still would not press in to the OME36 eye. I then threw caution to the wind, slit them lengthwise using a cutting wheel, and that did the trick. The result? Perfect fit, but I used the smaller Energy Suspension *2061* bushings which come in the "91-94 Explorer Hyperflex Master Kit". I could not get the larger bushing (the ones in the 3.2125 kit) to fit with a shell in the OME springs. The result (sorry for the blurry pic):


I would have gone the route gavin and Sonic_Mikey suggest, above (they give two links to rubber/metal shell bushings) or the 01-02 Sport Trac leaf bushings, but by that time I already had a lot of time invested in my Frankenbushings. Anyway, pic with POR15'ed frame, and springs on:


Again I apologize for the blurry pic, but you 2nd gen guys take it easy on me for that. I must have had the shakes from working dawn to dusk on this thing.

Per OME page, it's 1.5" lift I believe.

I can report on this now that I've installed these leafpacks. On my 1st Gen Sport, the Old Man Emu CS042R / OME36 leaf springs have given me 2.5" of lift in the back, but that may be deceptive -- my old leafs were sagging. I expect the new OME leafs to settle some, so I'll see what I end up with. I still think their 1.5" is conservative and/or based on a heavier 4-door 2nd gen truck.

You asked about impressions. Not to hijack this bushing thread too much, I'll say this, they are nice riding springs -- very tight, but not jarring ride. I have not had a chance to test their flex yet. One neat thing, with the old worn-out factory leafpack, when I started my truck, the rear end would shudder/shake. Now, I turn the key, and the engine starts, but the truck does not move at all -- very strange feeling considering that I was accustomed to it. Additionally, the shaking/shimmy I got at speed (60-68 mph) is now just about gone, and I haven't touched the front end yet.

Glad I ran across this bushing thread, it was very helpful throughout the whole process, and I hope my experience with making a front bushing shell means that people will go the easy route and buy the bushings linked above. :)

These are the lift measurements I got after the install and TT using a Hunter alignment machine

This is with 3/4 of a tank of gas. LF torsion bar maxed and RF around half.

I never bothered with a before measurement since the sag on the left was insane lol

These are the lift measurements I got after the install and TT using a Hunter alignment machine

This is with 3/4 of a tank of gas. LF torsion bar maxed and RF around half.

I never bothered with a before measurement since the sag on the left was insane lol

I wish I had the access to do that myself :(

Nice setup! I don't have anything like that. I measured FTG (fender to ground) but I should have done fender to hub. I do notice my driver's side STILL sags slightly from the pass side -- which could simply be because the fuel tank is there. Or, I may correct that completely when I get my front coils on.

Anyone know what the inner diameter of the metal sleeve is on the rear spring eye for the 98's? I have the master set from Energy Suspension and I was going to turn down the poly bushing to fit the metal sleeve. If not, I'll try and get some measurements tonight. Anyone else tried this?

Anyone know what the inner diameter of the metal sleeve is on the rear spring eye for the 98's? I have the master set from Energy Suspension and I was going to turn down the poly bushing to fit the metal sleeve. If not, I'll try and get some measurements tonight. Anyone else tried this?
I beleive the inner diameter of the front eye on my 1998 is 1.75 inches WITH the outer shell left in the eye.
energy suspension bushing number: 3.2125 fit perfectly.

Needed some new bushings for the rear of the Explorer. The ability to go and search for stuff like this and be able to find it still makes forums better than Facebook...

Thanks for the info guys!

What would the best option be to find something locally tomorrow in Canada be? Limited options and need rear spring eye bushings oem style or the replacement style. I’m assuming universal would be my best bet as it’s such an obscure part. Doubt any local ford stores have parts and not much stocked for specific bushings at out crappy selection of part stores.

need some help please. I've read many of the threads already, but i haven't seen one yet that covers my current issue. I got a set of rear leaf springs from a 98 explorer 4 door from a salvage yard. I want to put in new bushings, but everywhere i look, they can't get em. I even measured them out and the available sizes seem wrong. I can get the rear bushings for the shakle, but the front main eye is bigger than what explorers usually have. I measured it at 1 15/16" which is to say 1.9375" but nothing is close except jeep at 1.8something. Anyone have actual measurements for the front eye bushing?

I am about to install extension shackles onto my leaf springs... I want to change out the bushings while I am at it. Would this be the correct bushing for a 1997 Explorer ? Ford Rubber Encased Bushing

I am about to install extension shackles onto my leaf springs... I want to change out the bushings while I am at it. Would this be the correct bushing for a 1997 Explorer ? Ford Rubber Encased Bushing

Is it the shackle-to-frame bushing what you are intending on replacing?
Pretty sure that's what the part is, based on the description: REAR OF THE REAR UPPER FRAME BUSHING (STEP DOWN).
None of the other bushings are step down.

I've read that it's a real pita to replace.

Think there's a couple threads around here on it.

Is it the shackle-to-frame bushing what you are intending on replacing?
Pretty sure that's what the part is, based on the description: REAR OF THE REAR UPPER FRAME BUSHING (STEP DOWN).
None of the other bushings are step down.

I've read that it's a real pita to replace.

Think there's a couple threads around here on it.

That might not be the one I am thinking of. It's the one in the eye of the main (rear / rear) leaf spring. Here's a pic.


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That might not be the one I am thinking of. It's the one in the eye of the main (rear / rear) leaf spring. Here's a pic.

I believe this is what you need for an OEM style replacement for the rear leaf eyelet:
Product ID : RB131

(1983-2003) Ranger, 2wd, 4wd, All Models, Rear Eye of Rear Leaf Springs,
(1991-2001) Explorer 4dr, Rear Eye of Rear Leaf Springs

I believe this is what you need for an OEM style replacement for the rear leaf eyelet:
Product ID : RB131

(1983-2003) Ranger, 2wd, 4wd, All Models, Rear Eye of Rear Leaf Springs,
(1991-2001) Explorer 4dr, Rear Eye of Rear Leaf Springs

Yes thank you!

Sorry guys but I'm confused a bit
Can anyone tell me the energy suspension part numbers for my
Front and rear leaf spring eyelets
And the shackle to frame bushings

I'm having trouble with this one

I don't mean to revive an old thread, but I have seen two different stories for the front eyelet of 99-01 Explorers.

Story #1 Says I can use Kit #4.2124 as long as I don't remove the spring's front eyelet's bushing casing (Even though the instructions say to do so for the 90-94 Expy).

Story #2 says I have to order Set # 3.2125 regardless of leaving the casing in the front eyelet or not.

Which is going to apply to me? I have a 1999 XLS with 3:73 LSD and towing package if that helps any. Rear springs seem to have a stack of 4 complete leafs (3 standard + 1 overload) as opposed to the single leaf found on the 2-doors. I am almost done doing a 100% polyurethane swap including trans mount, all swabar, swaylink, and control arms. We stiffening up the chassis as much as possible to put together a project drift truck since there has never been anything like this locally for a 4-door 5-speed. Your input would be very appreciated!

Expy Poly.jpg

Lowered Expy.jpeg

My 99

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Are all of these bushings the same for the full taper mono-leaf that came stock on Sports? My bushings are trash and I'd like to replace them with poly... but I'm completely clueless about which one to buy!
